Saturday, September 29, 2018

Trump is literally a laughing-stock

Tomorrow is our last end-of-quarter deadline before Election Day -- so there has never been a more critical time to stand with Democrats

DemocratsJoin us.
Never before have I seen an American president make such embarrassing remarks on the world stage as we've seen from Trump -- and his speech at the United Nations General Assembly this past Tuesday was another disturbing example.

While addressing the body, Trump once again boasted he had accomplished more in two years than any administration in history. His so-called "triumphant" moment was quickly met with laughter from world leaders.

Never before has an American president become a joke to the world.

We can change course in 38 days by electing Democrats nationwide who will stand up to Trump. Tomorrow is the last quarterly fundraising deadline before Election Day, which is why I am asking you directly:

Will you make a $3 contribution before tomorrow's critical deadline to elect Democrats who will defend our democracy?

Trump has long argued that the United States needs a president "who isn't a laughing-stock to the entire world" -- and his speech at the United Nations demonstrated that under his leadership, that's now true.

During my time as secretary of state, President Obama and I worked hard using effective diplomacy -- not bombast or demagoguery -- to progress towards our nation's objectives of peace, prosperity, and stability for the United States and for our partners around the world.

Meanwhile, the current GOP-led Congress is complicit as Trump steadily destroys our reputation on the world stage, undermines our foreign and domestic interests, and diminishes alliances our nation has built to safeguard our democracy and allow millions of us to live in freedom.

This president would rather align himself with foreign adversaries like Vladimir Putin than defend the country he was elected to serve -- and this year's midterms are our best chance to do something about it.

With 38 days left until Election Day, we have the opportunity to elect Democrats nationwide who will uphold our values and restore a sense of integrity to our nation's politics.

There has never been a more critical time to show your support. Chip in $3 before tomorrow's important fundraising deadline to elect Democrats who will defend our country, our democracy, and our fundamental rights.

Thank you,

John Kerry
68th Secretary of State

P.S. The stakes couldn't be higher -- this year's midterms are a crucial opportunity to elect Democrats who will defend our democracy and provide a critical check on Trump. Donate $3 before tomorrow's end-of-quarter deadline to stand with Democrats nationwide.

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I need your help in supporting Democrats because our democracy depends on it. Make a donation today if you're ready to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

DemocratsJoin us.
Friend --

I am asking you to contribute $3 to elect Democrats in November's elections:

I can't tell you how encouraged I've been by the crop of Democratic candidates running for everything from school board to the United States Senate. Our party has never had a slate of candidates this young, diverse, or female.

This election isn't just about beating Republicans, it's about re-asserting what we stand for as Democrats.

I am not exaggerating when I say this November's elections are more important than any I can remember in my lifetime. These elections are a chance to reinvigorate the Democratic Party and make our movement stronger for decades to come.

I'm asking you to join me in supporting the Democratic Party. Will you stand with me one more time and make a $3 donation today?

Thank you,


P.S. November's elections aren't just about what we're against as Democrats -- they're about what our party stands for. I'm asking you to donate $3 to support Democrats who will fight for our values at every level of office.

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This email was sent to If this isn't your preferred email address, update your contact information. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today. This organization is powered by you, and we'd love to hear your ideas. Just reply to this email to send any comments, criticisms, or feedback. Our community management team reads every message from supporters like you. Thanks for supporting our party!

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Join me, Diane

Join me and When We All Vote, a new initiative to make sure every eligible American casts their vote on Election Day.
Organizing for Action
Diane --

Think about something with me for a second:

It's been 53 years since the Voting Rights Act became law, strengthening our democracy and ensuring that every American could exercise their right to vote.

That might seem like a long time, but when you think about our country's history, it's really not long at all: Just a few decades since all those brave men and women -- knowing they'd be intimidated, turned away, or even beaten -- stood up to fight for their right to cast a ballot anyway.

These courageous leaders didn't lead that movement for themselves alone. They led it for future generations, too. They led it for us.

Now, it's our turn. We need to honor their legacy. We need to continue their work. And that's why I'm reaching out to you today, Diane:

I want you to join me and When We All Vote, my new initiative to make sure every eligible American casts their vote on Election Day.

The right to vote is the most powerful tool we have to make our voices heard as citizens. And if we want to keep this movement alive, it's up to us to make sure everyone exercises that right in November.

There are so many ways you can help When We All Vote in this final push before Election Day:

Host an event in your neighborhood to register voters. Train your friends on how to spread the word to others. Fire folks up to do their part in our democracy. Talk to everyone you know.

There's too much at stake this year to sit it out, Diane.

Join me on the When We All Vote team -- and say you're ready to get to work:

I'm in

Thank you,

Michelle Obama

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Friday, September 7, 2018

From President Obama's speech right now:

Let's make sure every eligible American votes this November. Get to work today.

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Paid for by Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

Thursday, September 6, 2018


We have a better story to tell. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA.
Organizing for Action
Diane --

It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change.

But I'm also a big believer in reality. Hope that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the change we desire.

If you don't like things you see, you can't just close your eyes and long for something better. You've got to open them, embrace reality, and channel that hope into action.

America didn't become that shining city on the hill by wishing for it. We built it with clear eyes, righteous ambition, and unwavering determination.

So I'm asking you to recall that unlikely story of America -- a story that forever validates our hope -- and help write its next chapter.

I'm asking you to be neither blind to, nor dismayed by, reality -- but motivated by it.

There is no time to feel discouraged. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA for November's crucial midterms.

Diane, those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.

But history has also proven that virtue alone is not enough. A better vision will only prevail if we work tirelessly on behalf of that vision.

If we want a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy, we need to keep fighting for it.

If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable instead of politicians who put them down, we need to keep organizing.

If we want a more perfect union, we need to build it together, from the bottom up.

Say you'll do the work to make this vision a reality:

I'm in

Thank you,

Barack Obama
44th President of the United States

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Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Where we stand:

One year ago today, this administration cruelly rescinded the DACA program. Here's where we stand on immigration
Organizing for Action
Diane --

One year ago today, the Trump administration rescinded DACA, the program set up under President Obama to protect young immigrants -- people who are American in every way, and have only ever known this country as their home.

It was a heartless and arbitrary decision -- not done for the good of anyone, but seemingly just to spite the hundreds of thousands of young people who grew up here with a dream.

But this cruelty is not exactly new for this administration -- and in this pivotal moment, we need to stand up and defend American values.

Here's the White House's record on immigration policy:

They implemented a policy that tore families apart, and right now there are more than 500 children still waiting to be reunited with their parents. (For the record, we're five weeks past the court-ordered deadline for the administration to reunify families).

There are reports this week that they're denying passports to hundreds -- and possibly thousands -- of Americans along the border, questioning their citizenship based on little to no evidence.

And they continue to push plans for a Southern border wall -- a plan that manages to be cruel, expensive, and unnecessary at the same time.

All the while, DREAMers continue to live in limbo a year later -- young people who have gone to school here, contributed to our communities, served in the United States military ... unsure if they'll be allowed to stay in the country they call home.

Any one of the above is unacceptable and tragic.

Taken together, they're an unmistakable truth: The White House's policies of fear and division are a threat to American values -- and the Republican-controlled Congress has failed to stop them or protect DREAMers.

It's time to speak up before November's midterms. Add your name, and say you'll vote for candidates and policies that support an inclusive America:

I'm in



Dana Mayber
Campaigns Director
Organizing for Action

Paid for by Organizing for Action.

Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible.

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Paid for by Organizing for Action, P.O. Box 618120 Chicago, IL 60661

Saturday, September 1, 2018

I have some news (and a story about my grandma):

The DNC demolished our August grassroots fundraising goal -- this past month was our best in nearly 4 years, and was the most money we've raised online in August in our organization's history

DemocratsJoin us.
Friend --

Hi, I'm Patrick, and I oversee the grassroots fundraising program at the DNC. But what I want to do today is tell you a little bit about my grandma Joyce.

(Stick with me for a minute.)

My grandma is 94 years old and has been a loyal DNC donor for decades. For as long as I can remember, she's had a framed photo of Bill Clinton hanging up in her house, thanking her for her support. She is not a rich woman -- she's a retired public-school teacher who still lives in the same house she and my grandpa bought with help from FDR's G.I. Bill after my grandpa served in World War II.

She's just a loyal Democrat who chips in a few dollars whenever she can to help elect people to office who will fight for a better future for her grandkids.

I wouldn't ask my grandma to support anything I didn't firmly believe in -- and I wouldn't ask you to, either.

The staff at the DNC believes in what we're doing as a party. We believe that the new investments the DNC is making in grassroots organizing at the state and local levels are the best way to rebuild our party. And we believe that the best way to rebuild the Democratic Party is from the ground up through grassroots support -- our party is healthier when we're supported by people like you.

Which is why I am proud to share some incredible news with you: The DNC demolished our August grassroots fundraising goal -- in fact, this past month was our best in nearly four years and was the most money we've raised online in August in our organization's history!

That's so, so important because the DNC is a majority grassroots-funded organization -- 58% of our organization's fundraising this cycle has been from supporters giving $200 or less. People like you. People like my grandma. That surprises a lot of people, but it shouldn't. The DNC is receiving more of its resources from grassroots supporters this year than we have in any year since we re-elected Barack Obama.

98% of DNC donations are $200 and under. $54 average donation to the DNC. 65%  increase in supporters making a monthly sustaining contribution this year. 45% of 2017-18 DNC grassroots donors who donated for the first time this cycle

This is my second stint at the DNC, and I don't mind telling you that when I came back here last year, this organization was in pretty rough shape. In the months since, I've watched this place completely transform -- we've been able to hire incredibly bright people to do innovative, exciting work, and it's paying off in the field. Our team is able to provide critical tools, trainings, and resources to campaigns and state parties across the country -- resources that they need to win this November. That's only been possible with support from people like you.

If we win this November, it will be because of people like my grandma Joyce -- people like you -- who fought back to transform our party and our country. Thank you so much.


Patrick Stevenson
Director of Grassroots Fundraising
Democratic National Committee

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.