Sunday, March 29, 2020

re: falling short on our Democratic Unity Fund goal

The Democratic Unity Fund is an important answer to key mistakes of 2016.
DemocratsJoin us.

I want to be transparent with you, friend: When I came on board the DNC in the wake of the 2016 election, our party felt rudderless.

We had lost an election to the most unfit person to ever run as the nominee of a major party. The DNC had been hacked. Worst of all, we had lost trust among grassroots activists, donors, and our elected leaders and candidates. The new team and I made it our mission to pick up the pieces, analyze what went wrong, and rebuild this organization into the strongest DNC in modern history.

A big part of that mission is the Democratic Unity Fund -- a vitally important initiative to defeating Donald Trump in 2020. The fund, announced by President Obama, serves to provide a major launchpad for the future Democratic nominee and Democrats down the ticket the moment the general election starts. By scaling up critical organizing and data programs early, the DNC can hand the nominee -- not to mention Democrats running for seats nationwide -- the well-resourced operation they'll need to compete with Trump and the GOP's reelection machine. However, as of this afternoon, we're still dangerously short of our quarterly goal for the Democratic Unity Fund.

We can still get where we need to be before Tuesday's Q1 deadline if 16 more folks from Montross make a donation. According to our records, you have yet to make a gift to the Democratic Unity Fund. If you can, please make your first ever $7 contribution directly to the fund to help close the gap on our goal before Tuesday. Anything helps right now.

Here's what we have on file for you.

I want to reiterate again how vital the Democratic Unity Fund is, especially right now. The bulk of the work the fund supports must be done ahead of the general election in order for our programs to be operating at full capacity by the time our candidates will need them. That means that an investment in the fund made now -- before we wrap up this first fundraising quarter -- will pack a bigger punch than one made in the final days right before Election Day.

I told you right off the bat that this was going to be transparent, friend. We still have a ways to go in order to fully support the Democratic Unity Fund before the general election. We can hit our end-of-quarter goal if just 16 more Democrats like you from Montross step up. I'll ask you again:

Will you make your first $7 investment in the Democratic Unity Fund before Tuesday's quarterly deadline? I wouldn't be asking if it weren't important.

More soon,


Sam Cornale
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

P.S. Your donor record indicates that you haven't made a donation directly to the Democratic Unity Fund yet this cycle. Donate your first $7 to the fund to help hit our goal ahead of Tuesday's Q1 deadline. It's a big one, so your commitment today is deeply appreciated.

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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