Tuesday, April 14, 2020

President Obama said it best, friend​: "Victory begins with unifying as one team."

It is in our opponents' best interest to sow division and disunity within our party so they can win another four years for Trump.
DemocratsJoin us.

Under 30 minutes. That's all the time it took after news broke that Senator Sanders was suspending his campaign for president for Donald Trump to take to Twitter to spew false, divisive smears about the Democratic Party and our candidates.

Then, just hours later, Trump's campaign sent a fundraising email to their supporters with even more outlandish claims about the DNC, our candidates, and the media.

Trying to divide Democrats in 2020 is exactly how Trump and the RNC think they'll win this November, friend -- and their strategy is already on display for the world to see. It is in our opponents' best interest to sow division and disunity within our party so they can win another four years for Trump. Right now, I am asking you to join me in telling them that will not happen.

Donate $7 -- or anything you can -- to the Democratic Unity Fund today if you're committed to party unity, helping presumptive nominee Vice President Joe Biden defeat Trump, and electing Democrats in all 50 states.

President Obama launched the Democratic Unity Fund alongside the DNC because he knows that our party is at its strongest when we unite behind our shared values and common purpose. Take a look at what he's said about the fund:

Committing to party unity is not always easy. But it is what this moment in our politics -- and our history -- demands of us. Victory begins with unifying as one team.  -- Barack Obama

The DNC is the sole party organization responsible for putting a Democratic president in the White House and electing Democrats nationwide, and we're hard at work building the early organizing programs, data overhaul, and technology infrastructure needed to make that mission a reality. But that fight cannot be won without you, friend. I am calling on you to make a powerful, unwavering commitment to unity by making your first contribution directly to the Democratic Unity Fund today.

Will you donate $7 directly to the Democratic Unity Fund to show Trump and Republicans that Democrats are united and ready to win this November? Anything you give today will make a big difference in our fight, and will send a strong message that Democrats are uniting to win nationwide this year.

In unity,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

P.S. We have a few short months left to build the strongest Democratic Party in modern history -- one that Democratic candidates at every level will need to win across the country. Look at what we have on file for your support, then please make a $7 donation to the Democratic Unity Fund.

Your Democratic Unity Fund supporter record.

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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