Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The NDRC is leading the fight against gerrymandering, and they need our support today

I hope you'll join me in supporting my friends at the NDRC to create a fairer, more just, and more equal America.
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Diane, in times like these, I remember that America's progress has never been smooth or steady. It doesn't travel in a straight line. It zigs and zags in fits and starts. For every two steps forward, it feels like we take one step back. 

But progress has been this nation's hallmark — because of the dreamers and innovators and organizers and activists who have never given up hope. I'm talking about people like you, Diane, and the champions of our democracy like the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) who understand that our future is in our hands.

It depends on us, on the choices we make, particularly at certain inflection points in history — when so much is at stake. 

We are at such an inflection point right now. What we each choose to do in this moment matters — particularly when it comes to safeguarding our democracy. I hope you'll join me in supporting my friends at the NDRC leading the fight against gerrymandering — which diminishes the power individual voters have to bend the arc towards justice at the ballot box.


Since its founding eight years ago, I've been proud to support the NDRC and its Chairman, my friend Eric Holder. It's because of this work that the last few election cycles have seen the fairest maps of my lifetime. It's a big part of the reason we didn't see a red wave in 2022, as some expected. And it's why the margins in Congress are razor-thin today. 

Think about this: Last year, the NDRC helped elect 116 of their endorsed Democracy Defender candidates — breaking a Republican supermajority in the Wisconsin State Senate, winning critical state supreme court elections in North Carolina and Michigan, and flipping key seats in state legislatures across the country. At moments like this, every single one of those victories is a step in the right direction.  

Our democracy is stronger today because of the NDRC — but our work together is far from complete, and more important than ever. 

Whether it's increased attacks on the Census or extreme partisan gerrymandering, too many people are at risk of being deliberately left out of our democracy. And unlike the days when congressional and legislative districts were redrawn once a decade, these fights are now happening every year. Yes, including 2025.

There's a lot of work to do in this moment and each of us has a role to play, which is why I need to ask directly: Will you join me in supporting the NDRC's work by making a donation right now?

Thank you,

Barack Obama

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

re: Attorney General Eric Holder’s note

Rush a donation to fight back against MAGA Republicans' extremism and preserve our democracy.
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Diane, we wanted to make sure you didn't miss Attorney General Eric Holder's note — the work ahead of us is daunting, but it needs all of us. 

That's how we beat back Trump and Republicans' attempts to undermine the census last time around. It's how we have effectively fought partisan gerrymanders to create the fairest electoral maps in decades. And it's how we'll challenge every attempt to weaken the right to vote in America.

Please take a moment to read A.G. Holder's advice, and then rush a donation to fight back to protect our democracy from MAGA extremism.



This isn't like last time around.

For much of the first term, the Trump Administration's incompetence tended to mitigate some of their malevolence. Even then, they still managed to do serious damage to our democracy and enact parts of an extreme agenda when the checks in our Constitutional system didn't work as they should have.

But now, with a Republican-led Congress seemingly unwilling or incapable of standing up to this administration — or worse, eager to assist its most extreme power grabs — it's clear that the best check left on Trump's power is us. It's the power of the people — a power that — history proves — is too often underestimated.

When they try to contort electoral maps to sculpt an electorate that's friendlier to their partisan pursuit of power, it's on us to push back in the name of fairness. When they try to undermine the census and even change the constitutional definition of citizenship, it's on us to fight back with everything we've got. And when the voters head back to the polls, it's on us to champion Democracy Defenders who will help right the ship and minimize the damage.

I can promise you that the NDRC will not back down from these fights — so today, I am personally asking you to make a donation to help fund the hard work of protecting our democracy from those who want to break it.


There is no doubt the path ahead will be rocky. We will fight on many fronts and we will lose some battles. But if we don't fight them, in every way we can, we will lose everywhere and our democracy will be unalterably damaged, if not destroyed.

And listen, there's no team I'd rather be working alongside. Remember, President Obama and I founded the NDRC just days before Donald Trump was inaugurated in 2017. We quickly learned not just how to play defense but even how to make progress amidst this broken landscape — whether it be by successfully advocating for fair maps or electing pro-democracy champions in state-level races across the country. 

Remember — we are still in control of our own destiny. We are the stewards of our democracy. And we still have it in our power to shape our country's future.

The hard work of fighting for our rights and fighting for what's right is happening all around us, and we need you with us every step of the way, Diane. Will you make a donation to the NDRC today?
Thank you,

Eric H. Holder, Jr.
82nd Attorney General of the United States

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

We have it in our power to shape where our country goes next

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This isn't like last time around.

For much of the first term, the Trump Administration's incompetence tended to mitigate some of their malevolence. Even then, they still managed to do serious damage to our democracy and enact parts of an extreme agenda when the checks in our Constitutional system didn't work as they should have.

But now, with a Republican-led Congress seemingly unwilling or incapable to stand up to this administration — or worse, eager to assist its most extreme power grabs — it's clear that the best check left on Trump's power is us. It's the power of the people — a power that — history proves — is too often underestimated.

When they try to contort electoral maps to sculpt an electorate that's friendlier to their partisan pursuit of power, it's on us to push back in the name of fairness. When they try to undermine the census and even change the constitutional definition of citizenship, it's on us to fight back with everything we've got. And when the voters head back to the polls, it's on us to champion Democracy Defenders who will help right the ship and minimize the damage.

I can promise you that the NDRC will not back down from these fights — so today, I am personally asking you to make a donation to help fund the hard work of protecting our democracy from those who want to break it.


There is no doubt the path ahead will be rocky. We will fight on many fronts and we will lose some battles. But if we don't fight them, in every way we can, we will lose everywhere and our democracy will be unalterably damaged, if not destroyed.

And listen, there's no team I'd rather be working alongside. Remember, President Obama and I founded the NDRC just days before Donald Trump was inaugurated in 2017. We quickly learned not just how to play defense but even how to make progress amidst this broken landscape — whether it be by successfully advocating for fair maps or electing pro-democracy champions in state-level races across the country. 

Remember — we are still in control of our own destiny. We are the stewards of our democracy. And we still have it in our power to shape our country's future.

The hard work of fighting for our rights and fighting for what's right is happening all around us, and we need you with us every step of the way, Diane. Will you make a donation to the NDRC today?
Thank you,

Eric H. Holder, Jr.
82nd Attorney General of the United States