Friend -- Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq. As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing. Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases. As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues. Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counterterrorism efforts. By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home. Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people. We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home. We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform. In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face. Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries. What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy. For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks. Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades. So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust. Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead. Thank you, President Barack Obama |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Going door to door in Virginia
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Robert Bruce -- This fall, there's a lot at stake. For two years, the Republicans have said "no" over and over to legislation that would help Americans -- no to extending unemployment benefits, no to creating jobs, no to the Recovery Act. But that's not enough -- if the Republicans take back Congress, they've pledged to repeal health insurance reform and pursue policies that would end Social Security and Medicare as we know them. They're convening in Washington, D.C., with Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin this weekend. Palin has said that the plan for keeping taxes low for the middle class so they can stimulate the economy, while repealing fiscally irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%, is "idiotic." And Beck said last week of some of those who are unemployed, "you'd be ashamed to call them Americans." These are the folks that the Republican party draws its energy and ideas from. But we have a much better source -- you. That's why, this weekend, OFA volunteers are going door to door across the country to make sure your voice is heard. There's an event in Hampton this Saturday -- and I hope you can join us. We're talking to folks in small towns and big cities, focusing on voters who turned out for the first time in 2008 to cast their ballot for Barack Obama. And we're going to make sure as many as possible of these voters commit to going to the polls again this fall. We've got an ambitious goal -- 200,000 doors knocked across the country. But to meet that goal, we need 101 more volunteers in Virginia. Here are the details for the event in Hampton: What: Moving America Forward Day of Action event Where: 4207 Victoria Blvd. Hampton, VA 23669 When: Saturday, August 28th 9:30 AM Can you make it? Yes, I'll be there. No, but I want to help. I can't make that event, but I want to see if there's another one near me. You see the progress we're making every day: as new provisions in the Affordable Care Act take effect, as federal funding saves the jobs of police officers and firefighters in Virginia, and as the brave men and women of the armed forces return from Iraq. But to continue this progress, we need to elect Democrats who will stand with the President and fight for change that matters, not Washington Republicans and extreme Tea Party leaders who want to repeal all our hard work. Join us in Hampton to help us reach out to Virginia voters about the importance of voting this fall: Let's get to work, Jeremy Jeremy Bird Deputy Director Organizing for America |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Monday, August 23, 2010
200,000 doors to knock
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Friend -- In 2008, volunteers like you broke every record in politics -- you knocked on more doors, made more calls, and had more conversations with voters than any campaign in history. Those conversations are what brought 15 million people to the polls for the first time, propelled Barack Obama to the presidency, and won majorities in the House and Senate. In 2009 and earlier this year, Organizing for America volunteers like you used the lessons learned in 2008 to win historic victories reining in Wall Street and reforming a broken health care system. But now we need to protect those gains and keep moving America forward -- which means we've got to get back on the doors, talking to voters about how important it is to vote this fall. So we at OFA and others working to elect Democrats to Congress circled this weekend on the calendar and set a big goal: 200,000 doors knocked across the country in 48 hours. OFA Virginia has set a goal of getting 6,032 of them -- and that means we need 201 volunteers in Virginia next weekend. Can you find an event near you and RSVP to join us? If Republicans win back control of Congress, we know what will happen: endless investigations into ginned-up controversies, non-stop attempts to repeal the progress we've made, and a complete drive to stop us from moving this country forward. But we cannot go backward. Health reform took a century-long fight to win. Its benefits are starting to help make sure families have the health care they deserve -- and you can bet this movement is going to protect what it's won. Wall Street reform places the strictest new regulations on banks that they've faced since the Great Depression -- no wonder the Republicans are already saying they'll fight to repeal it, to make life easier for their special-interest friends. To protect what we've won and keep the change coming -- from clean-energy legislation to immigration reform to putting more Americans back to work -- we're not done. Which is why we need to keep fighting to get folks to the polls this fall. We know -- from our own experience and research -- that nothing has more of an effect on voter behavior than real conversations. That's why OFA volunteers getting people to commit to vote -- on doorsteps and on the phone -- could well be the deciding factor in close races across the country. I hope you can make it out, and be one of the 201 volunteers that OFA Virginia needs to hit its goal this weekend: Thanks for all you do, David Plouffe |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
4 donations from Yorktown
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Friend -- Powerful special interests are pledging to spend $200 million to help elect conservatives this fall. But President Obama has advocated for a different kind of politics since he launched his campaign, and it's because of supporters like you that we've never let special interests buy their way to victory. This November, it's the same game plan. Instead of asking for checks from PACs and lobbyists, we're counting on 3 million grassroots donations to elect strong allies for President Obama. We need just 25,000 donations this week to be on track to meet that goal -- and are counting on 4 donations from Yorktown. Please donate $3 today and add your name to the By the People Fund. Organizing for America supporters like you set this movement apart -- and together, we're changing politics. With your help, we're going to run a real, grassroots, on-the-ground campaign to win in November -- knocking on doors, making calls, and talking to neighbors in every single state. As we saw in 2008, no amount of special-interest money can compete with that. Please donate $3 or more today: Thanks, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. This email was sent to: |
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Monday, August 16, 2010
Will you commit, today?
Friend -- Did you see the President's email? He's right. Studies have shown that when people pledge to do something, they're much more likely to follow through. This simple but powerful concept helped us make history in 2008, when first-time voters who made a commitment played a critical role in the election. This fall, volunteers are taking this strategy into communities across the country once again. But it begins with you. Will you join me in committing to vote in the 2010 elections? Thanks, David Plouffe -----------------Original Message----------------- From: Barack Obama Subject: Today, it's time to commit to vote Friend -- Eighteen years ago, shortly after graduating from law school, I helped lead a voter registration campaign in Chicago that generated record turnout on Election Day. That experience taught me one of the most important lessons I ever learned as a community organizer: When people promise that they'll do something -- like voting -- they are far more likely to do it. That's why one key part of our Vote 2010 plan this year is to get folks like you from across the country to commit to vote, to make sure we get as many people as we can to cast their ballots this fall. But getting the commitments we need starts with your own promise to make it to the polls and cast your ballot. Will you please commit to vote in the 2010 elections? Over the next 82 days, volunteers across the country will spend countless hours calling voters and knocking on their doors, asking them the same question. And you can bet that I am counting on you to join them in talking to voters in your community. This election offers a stark choice. We Democrats are hard at work trying to move America forward, repairing a decade of damage and growing an economy based on the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility. We've fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making, and to Wall Street, the most sweeping overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression. But after years of policies that landed us in the worst recession since the 1930's, the Republicans who got us there have not come up with anything different from the policies of George W. Bush. We simply cannot afford to go backwards or let them repeal our reforms. And making sure we can continue moving forward starts with your own promise to cast your ballot in these elections. Please commit to vote this fall: Thank you, President Barack Obama |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
Today, it's time to commit to vote
Friend -- Eighteen years ago, shortly after graduating from law school, I helped lead a voter registration campaign in Chicago that generated record turnout on Election Day. That experience taught me one of the most important lessons I ever learned as a community organizer: When people promise that they'll do something -- like voting -- they are far more likely to do it. That's why one key part of our Vote 2010 plan this year is to get folks like you from across the country to commit to vote, to make sure we get as many people as we can to cast their ballots this fall. But getting the commitments we need starts with your own promise to make it to the polls and cast your ballot. Will you please commit to vote in the 2010 elections? Over the next 82 days, volunteers across the country will spend countless hours calling voters and knocking on their doors, asking them the same question. And you can bet that I am counting on you to join them in talking to voters in your community. This election offers a stark choice. We Democrats are hard at work trying to move America forward, repairing a decade of damage and growing an economy based on the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility. We've fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making, and to Wall Street, the most sweeping overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression. But after years of policies that landed us in the worst recession since the 1930's, the Republicans who got us there have not come up with anything different from the policies of George W. Bush. We simply cannot afford to go backwards or let them repeal our reforms. And making sure we can continue moving forward starts with your own promise to cast your ballot in these elections. Please commit to vote this fall: Thank you, President Barack Obama |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Monday, August 9, 2010
I am not a "special interest"
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Friend -- Right now, my job -- along with those of my colleagues -- could be in jeopardy. I'm a public school teacher in Philadelphia. And, like most states across the country, Pennsylvania is facing some bad budget shortfalls. Without federal help, a lot of teachers like me -- as well as other public servants like police officers and firefighters -- will lose their jobs. Maybe you know some of these people. Maybe it's you. Democrats in Congress are trying to do the right thing, proposing emergency assistance for states to preserve more than 100,000 jobs like mine. They're racing back to the Capitol for an emergency session this week to pass this bill and save these jobs. But Republicans are standing in the way. Minority Leader John Boehner is calling the bill a "payoff" to "special interests" and attacking every Democrat who is fighting for us. But I'm not a special interest. I'm a teacher. Can you join me in telling House Democrats that they have our support as they fight for our jobs? Speaker Nancy Pelosi -- and the entire Democratic Caucus -- have decided to rush back to Washington to make sure that hundreds of thousands of workers like me will get to keep our jobs. In addition, the bill will actually create even more job growth by closing tax loopholes for companies that ship American jobs overseas. But the Republicans are going to do everything they can to prevent this aid. Please stand with me, in support of Democratic leaders who are standing up for folks like me: Thank you, Wendy C. Teacher Ambler, Pennsylvania |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Friday, August 6, 2010
45 years ago
Friend -- On March 7th, 1965, 600 of us lined up to walk from Selma to Montgomery, to march for voting rights. When we tried to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge over the Alabama River, we were met by state troopers. They attacked us with tear gas, bullwhips, and nightsticks. It became known as Bloody Sunday, and the national outcry over the brutality that day led to the enactment, exactly 45 years ago today, of the Voting Rights Act. The progress we've made since then is remarkable. But the expansion of voting rights for millions did not happen overnight. It was the product of a continued struggle, by many people, over many years. And just as change did not come easily then, it does not come easily now. Discrimination still exists in America -- its effects can be as harmful as they were decades ago. And we can always become a better, more just society. Two years ago, this movement -- led by Barack Obama -- brought millions of people into the political process for the first time. I'm told that many of you are working hard now to get as many as possible of those folks -- and others from across the country who are with us in these fights -- to the polls this year. It's an important effort, and the legacy of the fight for the Voting Rights Act is that it is not only our right to vote, and to help others do so -- it is our duty. Can I count on you to help out between now and the elections in November? When I was a child, I tasted the bitter fruits of racial discrimination -- and I did not like it. That was what spurred me to act. In those early days, we sacrificed our very selves for our rights as Americans. But we never gave up. And now barriers that kept an entire people from full participation in this country have been removed. No longer are people who look like me met with violence when we register to vote. No longer is the idea that an African American could become president just a dream. We live in a better world, a better country. But our work is not complete. We cannot wait for someone else to make change. We must all do it. You must do it. I must do it. Please sign up to help millions more vote: Thank you, Representative John Lewis |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Before it's delivered
Friend -- Today's the President's 49th birthday, and I just heard how many of you have signed his birthday card so far: 1,266,611 as of this morning. It's already an amazing show of support. But before the card is delivered with all of your signatures, I want to make sure you have one more chance to add your name -- I just added mine. Will you sign it with me, if you haven't already? Thanks, David Plouffe -----------------Original Message----------------- From: Michelle Obama Subject: Will you sign Barack's birthday card with me? Friend -- Every year, our family tries to come up with a fun way to wish Barack a happy birthday. And this August 4th, when he turns 49, I have something new in mind. This has been a big -- and hectic -- year for him. After signing the Affordable Care Act and Wall Street reform into law -- and completing his first year as president -- I think it's safe to say we will remember it for a long time. And I know full well how much he credits this movement, and the work of supporters like you, for the change that we've accomplished. So I'm putting together a birthday card that I would like you to sign. Together with other Organizing for America supporters -- and me, Malia, Sasha, and Bo -- we'll wish him a happy birthday and let him know that we're ready to take on the year ahead alongside him. Will you wish Barack a happy birthday with me? This year also brought a lot of surprises -- some good and some bad. Supporters like you have helped him make the best of it -- by contacting Congress to help push stalled legislation forward, by re-engaging supporters in the political process, by giving back with service projects across the country, and so much more. And while we can't know what the coming year will bring, all of us, working together, will continue pushing forward for change. Will you help make this a memorable birthday for Barack and wish him a happy 49th? Thanks so much, Michelle Obama |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: |
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