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Friend -- Every day, I am proud to work with OFA supporters across the country -- which is why I wanted to make sure you saw the Vice President's email below. President Obama will be sending thank-you notes to supporters, and he'd like to send one to you. If you haven't already, sign up here to get yours: http://my.barackobama.com/ThankYouCard Thanks, Mitch -----------------Original Message----------------- From: Joe Biden Subject: We want to say thank you, with a note Friend -- I've been in Washington for almost 40 years. I've seen a lot of Congresses come and go. But I can't remember a group of lawmakers who accomplished more than the folks who just wrapped up their work. With their help, we repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and ratified the START arms control treaty. We passed a new law to rein in the abuses on Wall Street and protect consumers. We reformed the health care system and passed the Recovery Act to get our economy growing again. But do you know why all that happened? Because people like you rolled up your sleeves, dug deep, and decided to make a difference. We had a dedicated group of lawmakers -- no doubt -- but they were supported every step of the way by folks from all across this country who were ready for change. People like you. I know how much that means to me. And I can't even begin tell you how much it means to the President. So here's the deal: President Obama wants to send you a note to express how grateful we are for all you did. Would you like to receive one? Two years ago, we were staring into an abyss. The financial crisis was the worst this country has faced since the Great Depression. But this Congress passed the largest set of tax cuts for the middle class since President Reagan, the largest education reform since President Johnson, the largest infrastructure investment since President Eisenhower, and the largest clean-energy bill ever. Now -- even though we still have a ways to go -- the economy is growing again. Prior to this Congress, lawmakers had talked about reforming health care for almost a century. But with the President leading the way, these folks went out, and -- with you at their side -- they did it. Now 32 million more Americans will have access to health coverage. When we came into office, just about the entire country had come to realize that "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was wrong. More than 14,000 brave men and women had been discharged simply because of who they were. With your help, we struck down that law and made this country a more just place. Every lawmaker who worked to accomplish these things will talk about their votes -- and the role they played in this progress -- for years. The President and I take great pride in those achievements. But each one belongs to you. You believed in them, you fought for them, and we're darn grateful. So let the President send you a note to show our appreciation. Sign up here: http://my.barackobama.com/ThankYouCard Thank you -- for everything, Joe |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Friend -- Hours ago, the Senate voted to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." When that bill reaches my desk, I will sign it, and this discriminatory law will be repealed. Gay and lesbian service members -- brave Americans who enable our freedoms -- will no longer have to hide who they are. The fight for civil rights, a struggle that continues, will no longer include this one. This victory belongs to you. Without your commitment, the promise I made as a candidate would have remained just that. Instead, you helped prove again that no one should underestimate this movement. Every phone call to a senator on the fence, every letter to the editor in a local paper, and every message in a congressional inbox makes it clear to those who would stand in the way of justice: We will not quit. This victory also belongs to Senator Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and our many allies in Congress who refused to let politics get in the way of what was right. Like you, they never gave up, and I want them to know how grateful we are for that commitment. Will you join me in thanking them by adding your name to Organizing for America's letter? I will make sure these messages are delivered -- you can also add a comment about what the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" means to you. As Commander in Chief, I fought to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" because it weakens our national security and military readiness. It violates the fundamental American principles of equality and fairness. But this victory is also personal. I will never know what it feels like to be discriminated against because of my sexual orientation. But I know my story would not be possible without the sacrifice and struggle of those who came before me -- many I will never meet, and can never thank. I know this repeal is a crucial step for civil rights, and that it strengthens our military and national security. I know it is the right thing to do. But the rightness of our cause does not guarantee success, and today, celebration of this historic step forward is tempered by the defeat of another -- the DREAM Act. I am incredibly disappointed that a minority of senators refused to move forward on this important, commonsense reform that most Americans understand is the right thing for our country. On this issue, our work must continue. Today, I'm proud that we took these fights on. Please join me in thanking those in Congress who helped make "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal possible: http://my.barackobama.com/Repealed Thank you, Barack |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Not done fighting on DADT
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Friend -- This afternoon, a discriminatory policy that deprives our military of qualified troops, endangers our national security, and violates the simple American principles of integrity, fairness, and equality was allowed to remain law. Every Republican senator but one -- Senator Susan Collins -- voted to prevent the passage of legislation to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Several of them had previously claimed to support repeal, but voted "no" today. It's a frustrating setback, but here's the good news: We are just three votes away from moving forward on repeal. And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and our allies in the Senate are promising another vote on repeal before Congress heads home for the year. There is still a chance for this to pass. Allies in the Senate are not done fighting. The President is not done fighting. And I know you're not, either. Write the Republicans standing in the way in the Senate -- and tell them to get on the right side of history. There's no question that today's vote was disappointing. But we also have a lot of reasons to be proud today. The letters to the editor you wrote and the phone calls you made -- and the 582,000 petitions you signed -- have been crucial in building support for repeal. This morning, OFA volunteers delivered those petitions to Senator Collins' office. And this afternoon, she voted to move this bill forward. Now your work can help make sure we secure the votes necessary to finally put an end to this unfair policy. One final push might be all it takes. I know we still have a lot of fight left in us. Write Republicans now -- and tell them to stop standing in the way: http://my.barackobama.com/DADTRepealLetters Thanks, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tax cuts
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Friend -- Yesterday, the President announced the framework of a bipartisan agreement to extend a set of tax cuts that were set to expire, restore unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, and pass additional measures to help middle-class families and create jobs. Now, he's recorded a video to speak directly to OFA supporters about the deal. Watch it here -- and leave a note with your thoughts. This agreement, while not perfect, is vital to millions of Americans who are out of work through no fault of their own -- as well as millions of middle-class families, students, parents, and small businesses. Take a minute to watch his message -- and then let us know what you think: http://my.barackobama.com/TaxCutsVideo Thanks, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America P.S. -- The President will be talking with OFA supporters live tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time -- sign up here for a reminder and instructions on how to listen in to the call. |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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Saturday, December 4, 2010
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Friend -- The President's opponents in Congress are gearing up for a fight. Their plan? Obstruct progress and delay action on our agenda during these last few weeks of this session of Congress. Which battles go our way is unknown -- what's certain is that failure to act will hurt the economy, the middle class, the unemployed, the military, and our national security. Because among other critical items, our agenda includes extending tax cuts for the middle class, repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," making sure those who are out of work get the relief they need, passing the DREAM Act, and ratifying the New START Treaty -- a nuclear arms agreement critical to national security. These issues aren't going away, and we can't afford to let Congress kick them down the road to the next set of legislators -- or the next generation. Organizing for America is waging a campaign to make sure Congress takes action on these critical priorities before the end of the year -- but we need your help. We're counting on 2 donations from Yorktown to get the job done. Will you pitch in $3 or more now to support Organizing for America and help continue to push back on obstructionism? We're talking about legislation that will help Americans of all stripes, in every state. Almost every one has strong bipartisan support. We're fighting to make sure middle-class Americans don't wake up on January 1st with higher taxes. We're fighting for an arms agreement that every U.S. president since Reagan has renewed or supported. We're fighting to repeal legislation that prevents brave Americans from serving openly alongside their fellow troops -- a repeal endorsed by top military leaders that a Pentagon study just confirmed will have no impact on readiness or morale. We're fighting for unemployment benefits for Americans when they need it most. If we fail to act on these items, those who will pay for that failure are not politicians in Washington -- they're our neighbors, our troops, our classmates, and our friends and family. But some in Congress are proving that they're willing to put politics over people, no matter what the cost. We're making sure they don't get away with it. We're sending a much different message -- one of action, organizing, and progress -- and we're making sure that's the message that reaches Congress. So organizers and supporters like you are on the ground, reaching out to their communities. We're writing letters to the editors of newspapers across the country. We're pressuring Congress with calls from their constituents. But this organizing, as always, relies on support from folks like you. Please donate $3 or more right now to help us fight back: https://donate.barackobama.com/DecemberPriorities Thanks, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Big news on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
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Friend -- It's time. The Pentagon study released yesterday confirms what we've long known: The military is ready to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The report found that 70 percent of troops do not believe the change would have a negative impact on morale, and troop readiness would not be affected. This important news means that we are closer than ever to ending this discriminatory policy that punishes patriotic men and women who want nothing more than to serve our country -- and harms our own security by preventing qualified and much-needed Americans from serving. Last time, we were just two votes shy of passing repeal in the Senate. And now the lawmakers who have been dragging their feet have no excuses left. Neither do we. On this issue, our voices may not get more powerful than they are today -- after the military has weighed in, when the media is paying close attention, just before the Senate starts its debate. Let's ensure the Senate passes repeal -- and sends it to President Obama's desk -- before the end of the year. Please add your name to the President's call to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" now. The release of the Pentagon's report is just one more sign that the days are numbered for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." But the Republican opposition in the Senate -- led by Senator John McCain -- is already digging in its heels. People like Sen. McCain said they would defer to military leadership -- and then refused to budge when people like Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell all came forward to support repeal. These senators said they were worried about how repeal would weaken our military or hurt troop morale -- and that we should wait for the results of the Pentagon study. Well, the results are in: Our military believes the time has come to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." We know that some of these senators are going to do everything they can to shift their standards once again. But we don't need them all to agree with us -- we just need two more votes to end this policy once and for all. With the hearings set to begin tomorrow, it's important we make our voices heard now. Join President Obama -- and add your name to the call for repeal: http://my.barackobama.com/RepealDADT Thanks -- now let's make history, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America |
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org |
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