Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Friend --

Today I asked for a joint session of Congress where I will lay out a clear plan to get Americans back to work. Next week, I will deliver the details of the plan and call on lawmakers to pass it.

Whether they will do the job they were elected to do is ultimately up to them.

But both you and I can pressure them to do the right thing. We can send the message that the American people are playing by the rules and meeting their responsibilities -- and it's time for our leaders in Congress to meet theirs.

And we must hold them accountable if they don't.

So I'm asking you to stand with me in calling on Congress to step up and take action on jobs:

No matter how things go in the weeks and months ahead, this will be an important challenge for our organization.

It's been a long time since Congress was focused on what the American people need them to be focused on.

I know that you're frustrated by that. I am, too.

That's why I'm putting forward a set of bipartisan proposals to help grow the economy and create jobs -- that means strengthening our small businesses, giving needed breaks to middle-class families, while taking responsible steps to bring down our deficit.

I'm asking lawmakers to look past short-term politics and take action on that plan. But we've got to do this together.

I will deliver this message to Congress next week, but I'm asking you to stand alongside me today:

More to come,


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Get your 2012 bumper sticker

Friend --

I have a special offer for you.

This week, we're sending free 2012 bumper stickers to anyone who wants one. All you have to do is tell us where to send it.

A bumper sticker may seem like a small gesture, but it sends a message that our commitment to this campaign is one that's shared by Americans all around the country -- and we want as many supporters as possible to send that same message to folks in their communities.

Sign up here to get your free 2012 bumper sticker.

Sending out these stickers won't just help us increase this campaign's visibility in all 50 states.

When you sign up to get one, you're also making sure we have your most recent contact information. We're running this campaign at the local level, and we can't keep you up to date on the best ways to get involved in your area if we've got your old address on file.

Bottom line: You'll stay looped in, and you'll get a free sticker too. Not a bad deal.

Sign up here to get your free 2012 campaign sticker today -- and be sure to pass this message on to any other supporter you think would want one:



Jeremy Bird
National Field Director
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

There's a Republican debate

Friend --

You probably weren't planning to watch Fox News tonight. But right now, the Republicans are holding their first Iowa debate. I'm tuning in -- and you should, too.

What we're seeing unfold on their side is a race to the right, where it's becoming difficult to distinguish the candidates from each other -- and from the Tea Party Republicans in Congress. I suspect that tonight it will become even more clear that this whole group is way out of the mainstream.

We've put together a helpful guide to a few of the more fascinating positions they've taken. Over the course of the night, we'll be paying close attention to what these candidates say -- and what they don't say. Will they backtrack? Will they double down? Will they hope we forget? Check it out, and pass it on:

Keep this page open as you watch the debate -- we'll be keeping score of the candidates' statements and misstatements, and asking folks to share what happens with their friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Tune in to the the debate now.

More to come,


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

This campaign isn't funded by Washington lobbyists or corporate interests. We rely on donations from people like you. You should donate today.
Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Something for Barack

Friend --

Every day, I see Barack make choices he knows will affect every American family. That's no small task for anyone -- and more proof that he's earning every last one of those gray hairs.

This has been a busy week in Washington, but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday. I'm writing to you because this year, the girls and I would like to do something a little different.

I'm asking friends and supporters of this campaign to wish him a happy birthday by signing his card, and sharing why you're on this journey with us.

Your names and notes will become part of a book that tells the story of this campaign -- who's building it, why we're in this thing, and what he means to us. We'll deliver a copy to Barack and send one to our campaign offices across the country.

Sign the card for Barack:

I've known Barack for more than 20 of his 50 years, and we've been through quite a lot together.

It still amazes me that no matter how many decisions and distractions he's faced with every day, he's always able to focus on the bigger picture. One way he does that is by making time for stories and letters from people like you -- because he knows that this job isn't about him, but about the millions of folks around the country he's fighting for.

This next year will challenge us all to work harder than ever before, but the crucial thing is that you're here now, early on, helping to build this campaign.

I know that, like Barack and me, you have your own reasons why, so I hope you'll take a moment to sign the card and share your story with him and other supporters of this campaign.

Thanks for being a part of this,


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Here's the story

Friend --

The President and congressional leaders reached an agreement last night to meet our financial obligations and reduce our deficit.

Many people will have lots to say about this deal -- but the President wanted to talk to you directly.

Watch the video:

Please share this video with everyone you know.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

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