Dear Fellow Volunteer, Greetings from the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that leads service and volunteerism. Thank you for answering the President's call to service during the National Day of Service on January 19th. Together, we pledged to change our communities and our nation for the better through more than three million hours of service. As President Obama said in his thank you message, our agency is here to support your commitment to service going forward. Throughout the year, we will send you information about the President's latest service-related efforts and how you can join in at To kick things off, I am reaching out to you about an opportunity to make a difference in a young person's life. by serving as a mentor. I assure you that as a mentor you get just as much as you give. In my Florida hometown, I loved mentoring a young lady named Shakira. For an hour each week in the library, we would pore over math problems together, work on homework and prepare for tests, or simply talk about what was happening in school and in life. That hour was one of the highlights of my week. Today, more than 15 million children need a mentor. Please join me in closing this gap. If you are already mentoring, encourage someone else to serve a child. Share your experience. And use #mentor to spread the word on Twitter. If you are ready to start your journey as a mentor, click here. With more than 5,000 mentoring programs across the country, there is an opportunity near you. Thanks again. We look forward to serving with you! Best, Wendy Spencer Chief Executive Officer |