Thursday, May 24, 2018

The whole truth:

Let's support candidates who will fight to give millions of families some peace of mind.
American Possibilities


The Republican Party spent most of the past 18 months trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

After too many shameful votes in Congress, multiple attempts to declare victory for having undone an Obama accomplishment, and countless presidential tweets on the topic, we're starting to see the real human effects of this cold-hearted recklessness:

The number of working-age Americans without health insurance has gone up by 3 percent in the past two years. And in the 19 states that have still neglected to expand their Medicaid programs, that number has gone up by nearly 6 percent since 2016.

Since the new administration took office, we've seen 4 million more Americans move into the ranks of the uninsured.

Actions have consequences. Who we elect matters. And in six months, we have a choice: We can elect more people who will vote with a political agenda in mind, or we can choose a set of leaders who will prioritize the well-being of their constituents.

DianeA, you and I can elect leaders who are thinking about the things front of mind for most voters: Whether they can pay for their kids' treatments. Whether they can afford to feed their families while paying for care.

Let's be clear about the real reason millions more uninsured Americans are suffering today: Republicans wanted to undo President Obama's greatest accomplishment. That's the whole truth.

The Affordable Care Act was never perfect, and President Obama would be the first to say so. But on the whole, it was a giant step toward progress, and Republicans don't get to hide behind a set of petty complaints and fixable shortcomings while actively voting to sabotage the law.

Let's support candidates who will fight to give millions of families the peace of mind that comes with health coverage.

And together, we'll help make it clear, once and for all, that in America, health care is a right for all, not a privilege for the wealthy.


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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Iran deal

International relations can be complex, but this isn't. Our deal is working, and this administration needs to keep us safe.
Organizing for Action
Diane --

Today, the President announced a dangerous plan to abandon the Iran deal.

International relations can be complex.

But when it comes to the agreement we reached in 2015 -- which prevented Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon -- there is only one simple, objective answer:

The Iran deal is working.

That's not a partisan talking point. Those who negotiated it under President Obama know it to be true. Our closest international allies agree.

So does newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who confirmed Iran was in compliance at his confirmation hearing last month. As does Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, who praised the deal's verification and monitoring regime.

As does the UN's watchdog agency responsible for verifying it.

Here is what we must remember about our agreement with Iran:
  1. Iran is never, ever allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. There are no end dates to Iran's commitment.
  2. Iran has been -- and still is -- in compliance with the deal. Every objective observer agrees that Iran has held up its end of the bargain. Even top national security officials in the Trump administration agree.
  3. Leaving will isolate us from our allies. There is no middle ground. Our failure to hold up our end of the deal will place us in violation, threatening our ties to close European allies.
All of which is to say: Today's decision is a threat to our safety.

This administration has manufactured a global crisis, again, with no strategy to solve it. It is unacceptable, and we must say so.

Stand up with OFA today against this decision:

I'm in

Thank you,


Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

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