Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hey, let us know when you're voting?

Organizing for America
Friend --

It's important that we know when you plan to cast your ballot Tuesday so we can make smart decisions about who to call and which doors to knock.

And if you make a plan and let us know today, we'll send you a reminder and help you stick with it, even if you end up running late or are busier than you expected.

Where will you be before you head to the polls? What will you be up to? And most importantly: When are you planning to vote on Election Day?

When will you vote?Before 11:00 a.m.Between 11:00 and 2:00Between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m.After 5:00 p.m.I already voted


Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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In the next half hour

Organizing for America
Friend --

A couple things are going to happen in the next half hour.

Partisan attack ads funded by big banks and big oil will air over and over on national cable television.

Outrageous right-wing smear messages will arrive in inboxes around the country.

And dozens of voters in Yorktown will make a decision about whether they'll be voting in this year's election.

They're people who might not currently be planning on making it to the polls in two days.

They're people who might not know what's at stake -- who might not know the choice we all have in this election.

All of that is happening in the next 30 minutes. The only question is, will you be the person who changes the equation by picking up the phone?

Grab your phone and click here to connect with voters in your area right now.

We're not the only ones who want to get voters out to the polls this election season.

The other side has a plan, too.

Theirs is a plan that outsources its messaging to big special interest groups that don't have to disclose where they're getting their millions in donations.

It's a plan that thinks that big money deserves a big mouthpiece.

And right now, it's a plan at work in close districts around the country.

So in this moment, you can choose whether or not to counter it with your voice.

You can join the thousands of supporters around the country calling from their kitchens and their living rooms -- coffee shops and cubicles.

Because we know that this is when our most important work is done. And we know that we are the very best ones to do it.

There are just two days left until Election Day -- two days to have the kinds of one-on-one conversations that we know make the difference in close races.

And right now, the single best way you can affect how many people are at the polls on November 2nd is by using your voice, right now.

Click this link and get started today:



Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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The final stretch in Hampton

Friend --

When Barack got back from a recent campaign swing, he couldn't stop talking about how every supporter he met was fired up.

From amazing crowds at his rallies with great candidates like Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer to meeting some of the OFA volunteers who are part of this effort, he couldn't be prouder of what you're doing.

And continuing that organizing in these final days -- with person-to-person conversations on doorsteps and on the phone -- is the single most important thing that any of us can do to ensure we're successful at getting out the vote.

There are thousands of phone banks and canvasses happening as part of get-out-the-vote efforts through November 2nd to make the difference in tight races across the country -- can you make it out in Hampton?

Here are the details:

What: Get-out-the-vote event

Where: VA_02_J_H & R Block
2074 Nickerson Blvd
Hampton, VA 23663

When: Sunday, October 31st
12:00 pm

Yes, I can make it.

No, I can't make it.

In addition to the event at 12:00 pm on Sunday, there are events throughout each day, through Tuesday. Find others you can make it to here.

Thousands and thousands of you are out there every day, spreading the word about all we've done together over the last two years -- and how we need folks to vote for Democrats in order to keep moving America forward.

And Barack and I need you to keep it up in the final stretch -- please let us know if you can make it out in Hampton:

Thanks so much for all you do,


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

7 in 7 Daily Report: Thursday

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When a person visualizes how they'll take an action in the future, the likelihood they will do it at all goes up significantly -- and that's especially true for voting since it's not part of a daily routine like exercise, eating, or a favorite TV show. Developing a specific Election Day plan with a voter can double the impact of your call. So when making Get Out The Vote calls, help folks make their voting plan real. Walk them through when and how they will get to the polls and where they will be coming from.
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

7 in 7 Daily Report: Thursday

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When you're doing this well -- don't stop.

We've already crushed our original goal of reaching out to 7 million people in seven days by more than a million -- an entire day ahead of schedule. And we're not letting up. We're setting a new goal: On the phones and at the doors, we'll reach out to 10 million voters by tomorrow night. Let's get moving!
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Dig deep, right now

Friend --

There's only one way to wake up the morning after an election -- with no regrets.

There's only one way to be sure that's how you wake up on November 3rd: giving everything you've got in the last five days.

That's why I'm out there day after day, doing exactly what you're doing -- talking to voters.

These kinds of conversations are the most effective thing we can do in a campaign -- you know it. I know it. They're how we brought change to this country after years of Republican malarkey. They're how we won the White House.

I know what you're doing is working because, when I'm on the road or the President's on the road, the crowds are fired up and ready to go. I'm seeing positive signs everywhere, and millions of our supporters -- including tens of thousands who have never voted before in a midterm election -- are voting early.

But we have less than a week left, and we need everyone to dig deep.

Because none of us is alone in this work, Organizing for America is pairing every grassroots donor who gives this week with another individual giving the same amount. All of us want to make an impact in these final five days, and this is a way to double it.

Please chip in $3 or more right now.

I'd never bet against this movement.

You're out there week after week, defying expectations. You knock on doors day after day. You make calls night after night.

Someone told me she couldn't believe that Organizing for America was reaching out to 7 million voters this week, and I told her that she shouldn't be surprised. You don't wait for the moment to come to you, you go out and seize it. Just Tuesday night I was in New York talking with a roomful of volunteers who were making calls and getting out the vote -- and it was a powerful thing to witness.

But we can't let up now.

There are campaign offices out there that need to add extra phone lines because they're packed with volunteers ready to make calls. There are volunteers ready to go canvass, but they need flyers to go door to door. There are kids on college campuses working to get their classmates to vote, and they need our help, too.

I don't want to let any of them down -- not now, not when we're so close.

So I need you to join another supporter and commit to this work, together.

Please donate $3 or more today:

Thanks for all you do,

Joe Biden

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hey, are you on Facebook?

Organizing for America
Friend --

If you're on Facebook, and you want to have a big impact right now on the election, here's how:

Click here to use our "Commit to Vote Challenge" Facebook app.

With just a few clicks, you can ask any or all of your friends to commit to vote (which studies show is one of the best ways to get them to cast a ballot). You can track your progress, and compete with your friends who are also using the tool.

The amazing part is how quickly your actions multiply across the country. Let's say five or 10 of your friends commit. A few of them will pass it on, and their friends will pass it on, and it just grows from there. We're already seeing chains of commitments more than 20 people long, reaching from San Diego to Tampa, via Seattle, Boise, Boston, and New Orleans.

You might never guess how many people you'll turn out, or what critical race you'll put over the top -- all with just a few minutes and your Facebook account.

So give it a shot:



Natalie Foster
New Media Director

P.S. -- If you're not on Facebook, you can commit to vote and spread the word here:

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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7 in 7 Daily Report: Wednesday

Making a connection with people you call makes the experience more memorable for them and increases your impact. If possible, informing voters that you are local to their neighborhood, town, or state, or saying the name of the city you're calling ("I'm talking to voters in _______ today") are effective ways to start a more personal conversation.
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

7 in 7 Daily Report: Tuesday

Recognize voters for going to the polls last election to highlight "voter identity" and make them feel responsible for casting a ballot again this year.

Reminding people that their actions (and non-actions) are public strongly triggers the psychology of social accountability, so that's why you use a phrase like "Thanks again for being active and voting in the past. We look forward to voting with you again on November 2nd."
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Please, chip in what you can

Friend --

Right now, the same special interests that we've fought for two years are flooding the airwaves with negative ads. They don't have the courage to stand up and disclose the identity of their donors. They could be insurance companies. They could be Wall Street banks. We don't know.

This kind of politics isn't just a threat to Democrats. It's a threat to our democracy.

And the only way to fight back is with millions of voices, ready to stand up and finish what we started in 2008. That means you. And we have just seven days to do it.

The reason you knocked on doors, made phone calls, chipped in what you could, and cast your vote in 2008 was because you believed that your actions could make a difference and you could play a role in bringing about historic change. You were right.

But the next seven days are a pivotal moment in that continuing fight for historic change. And I need you again to do everything you can.

Because this moment is so crucial, Organizing for America is pairing every grassroots donor who gives today with another individual giving what he or she can afford.

Please donate $3 right now, and it will become $6 because another person out there is ready to invest in this movement with you.

We are not just calling for change, we are grinding it out. We are doing the hard, frustrating, inch-by-inch, day-by-day, week-by-week work of bringing about change.

I understand that when you're watching it, you say to yourself, this is hard. This isn't happening as fast as I would like.

But I want you to understand this. You cannot let it get to you. Don't ever let anybody tell you that this fight is not worth it. Don't let them tell you that you're not making a difference.

Because of what you did, there's a woman somewhere who no longer has to choose between keeping her home and treating her cancer.

Because of you, there are parents who can look their children in the eye and say, "You are going to college."

Because of you, there are small businesses that kept their doors open and folks who didn't lose their jobs. Because of you, communities are safer because firefighters, police officers, and paramedics were able to keep their jobs.

Because of you, there are 100,000 brave men and women who are back from a war in Iraq.

The journey we began together was not about putting a president in the White House. It was about building a movement for change that endures. It's about realizing that in America, anything is possible -- if we're willing to work for it, if we're willing to fight for it.

That's what I believe. And if that's what you believe, I need you to knock on doors, and make phone calls, and talk to your friends, and talk to your neighbors. And I need you to dig deep and give what you can.

And if you do that, I promise you, not only will we win this election -- we will restore the dream for the next generation. We have seven days to do it.

Please donate $3 or more to help Organizing for America finish strong:

Thank you,


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

7 in 7 Daily Report: Monday

Organizing for America
The Daily Report - enable images to view the results.
Reach Out to 7 Million Voters in 7 Days
Make Calls Now
Tip of the Day
left Commitments matter.

Research has shown that phone calls where the caller asks the voter for a commitment to vote increase turnout significantly more than short calls that simply remind the voter about the upcoming election. Don't be shy on the phone -- ask the respondent whether you can count on them to turn out at the polls.
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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