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Diane -- I hope you saw Jim's note with the video of President Obama thanking supporters and staff. I wanted to single you out especially because you've gone above and beyond in your support of the President. Over the past year, we faced an unprecedented amount of negative ad spending from our opponents -- and the content of those attacks was often misleading, or just flat-out dishonest. But you got out there and talked to your friends, your family, and your neighbors about what was at stake in this election, and you set the record straight about the President and what he stands for. We didn't just win an election -- we proved that not even billionaires and super PACs can overwhelm the power of ordinary Americans talking to one another about the values they share. Our politics will be better off because of that. As Jim said, we'll be in touch soon about where we take it from here. Thank you so much for all you've done, and all you will continue to do as we move this country forward. This is your victory. Stephanie ----------Original Message---------- From: Jim Messina Subject: Thank you Friend -- President Obama made a surprise visit to the campaign office in Chicago yesterday to give a heartfelt thank-you to staff and volunteers. I wanted to pass this video along, because it's a message every single person who helped build this campaign deserves to see. He wasn't just talking to those of us in the office -- he was talking to all of you. In his speech on Election Night, President Obama gave you all the title you have spent the last year and a half earning: "The best campaign team and volunteers in the history of politics." So many times in this election, this campaign was counted out. They said our supporters wouldn't turn out, and we'd never see the kind of voter participation we saw in 2008. They said we'd be buried in money and special-interest influence. And they said that no campaign could overcome the political headwinds we faced. Last year, a major American newspaper asked, "Is Obama toast?" As recently as two weeks ago, another ran this headline: "Can Obama win?" Tuesday night, you all answered all of those doubts with a resounding YES WE CAN. By knocking on doors, organizing phone banks, and chipping in a few bucks when you could, you built a campaign that is unparalleled. And you re-elected our president. You also proved that millions of ordinary people taking ownership of a cause is still the most powerful force in our political process. You showed that grassroots organizing and small donations are not only the right way to win, but also the most effective way. How we got here must guide where we go. If we're going to accomplish the things America voted for on Tuesday, you've got to be even more involved in getting them done than you were in giving us all the chance. We'll be in touch soon about how we can get started on some of the President's top priorities in his second term. For now, I just want to say I am so proud of this team. And I can't wait to see where you take this incredible movement from here. Thank you -- more to come, Messina Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America ![]() | |
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Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible. The first $2,500 from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for general election debt retirement. The next $30,800 from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount(s) from a contributor will be divided equally among the Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Virginia State Democratic Party Committees, up to $10,000 per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits. A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution or if Obama for America receives sufficient funds to pay its outstanding debts. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact |