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President Obama needs you on the phone, Diane. It's simple: In a race as close as this one, we win by getting enough people to the polls. But we'll only get it done if everyone who cares about this election steps up and helps out. That's where you come in. For a lot of voters out there, the difference between casting a ballot or not comes down to a single conversation with someone like you. So don't waste another minute -- start reaching out to voters using our online call tool right now: This couldn't be more urgent. You know firsthand that other voters in key states like yours are seeing negative ad after negative ad attacking our progress and distorting President Obama's record, practically every time they turn on the TV. That's the other side's strategy. And while Mitt Romney and the Republicans are outspending us on the air, we can still win if we outnumber them in a major way at the doors and on the phones. We've been doing just that, but we have a whole lot more voters to reach, and not a whole lot of time to do it. That's exactly what the call tool is for -- but it'll only make the difference we need if people like you take advantage of it. Start making calls right now: http://my.barackobama.com/Start-Calling-Now And sign up for your get-out-the-vote call shifts, too: http://my.barackobama.com/Call-Tool-Shifts Thanks, and have fun with it! Rachel Rachel Haltom-Irwin National Get Out the Vote Director Obama for America P.S. -- For some extra inspiration, check out this video featuring one of our best callers: Walter, a 91-year-old World War II veteran from Maryland, and why he's using the call tool to make a difference for President Obama. | |
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Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible. The first $2,500 from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $30,800 from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount(s) from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $10,000 per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH (24%), FL (15%); WI (12%); IA (10%); NV (10%); VA (9%); CO (7%); NC (7%); PA (3%); and NH (3%). A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact |

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