Diane -- I'm Jon Carson, the new executive director of Organizing for Action. I hope you're as excited as I am for this new organization, and for what our grassroots movement can accomplish in the next four years. If you haven't already, you should check out this short video First Lady Michelle Obama recorded about our organization, and then say you're on board. Just a little bit about me. I'm a Wisconsin guy, and I grew up on a farm in the western part of the state. In 2007, I joined Barack Obama's campaign and served as the national field director. After the election, I went to work for the President in the White House, most recently in the Office of Public Engagement. That brings me to now, when very soon, my family and I will be moving back to Chicago as I start this new role with all of you. I first joined the President's campaign because I was inspired by his belief that ordinary people have the power to change our country if we work together to get it done -- and that belief will be at the core of this new organization as it unfolds. And the way we'll get it done can be summed up in one word: local. That means each city or region will have its own OFA chapter, and you'll decide the issues your community cares about most, the work you want to do to make progress on them, and the kind of support you'll need to get it done. At a neighborhood and regional level, OFA members will grow their local chapters, bringing in new leaders and helping train a new generation of volunteers and organizers to help fight for the issues at stake. There'll be times when we pull together at the national level to get President Obama's back on passing major legislation, like reducing gun violence or immigration reform. And we'll all work to help transform Washington from the outside while strengthening our economy and creating jobs. But for the most part, the direction our work takes will be completely in your hands -- with the support of this organization behind you every step of the way. In the next few weeks and months, I'll be asking for your input on putting together an OFA plan for 2013, we'll be holding online briefings about the issues we want to tackle, and we'll start organizing on those issues as they're debated in D.C. But for right now, I just want to say thanks and welcome. There's a lot to be done, without a doubt -- and I couldn't be more thrilled to be part of OFA with you. Take a look at the video the First Lady recorded this week, and go ahead -- say you're in: http://my.barackobama.com/Organizing-for-Action I'll be in touch soon. Thanks, Jon Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action P.S. -- I recorded this short video on Organizing for Action, and the kind of work I hope we'll be able to do -- take a look. | |
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