Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Senate could vote today - pick up the phone

Organizing for Action
Diane --

The Senate is expected to vote today on expanding background checks for gun sales -- a measure that would go a long way toward reducing gun violence and making our communities safer.

Our senators are debating right now, and we expect the vote to be very close -- now is the time to speak up.

Can you pick up the phone right now and call the Senate?

It only takes a few minutes of your time to make your voice heard. According to our records, here's who you should call in Virginia:

     Senator Timothy Kaine -- (202) 224-4024
     Senator Mark Warner -- (202) 224-2023

Then, make sure you report back on how it went.

If you need help, here's a suggestion on what you can say:

I'm a constituent and I'm calling to thank my senator for standing with the people of Virginia by supporting expanded background checks and gun violence prevention legislation that will keep our communities and families safer.

Make sure to tell your senator where you're from. And if you'd like, let them know your reason for taking action on gun violence. Maybe you have a friend or a family member who's been affected by gun violence, or maybe you were moved to stand up after the shooting in Newtown, or Tucson, or Virginia Tech. Whatever your reason, your passion will come through and that will make a difference.

These are common-sense reforms that will actually save lives and make our communities safer. If we want the Senate to pass a bill to reduce gun violence, we have to speak up -- the special-interest groups on the other side are already well represented in this debate.

Our senators need to know their constituents are demanding action -- and that, if they stand up to the special interests, we'll be right there fighting alongside them.

After you're done, let us know how it went here:

Thanks for being a part of this.

Now start calling.


Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- If the above information doesn't seem right, call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your senators. And, as always, report back on how your call went.

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