Diane -- When I arrived in Washington in 2005, Republicans controlled the Senate and the House, and the Presidency. Things were looking pretty bleak. But then two years later, Democrats were taking over Congress. And four years later, I was getting sworn in as President of the United States. So I've seen Democrats fight back and make the kind of change we want to see -- and the reason that happens is because of folks like you. Because we can learn our lessons, brush ourselves off, and get back to work more fired up and committed than ever before. I hope you're ready, Diane -- because we need you standing by our side now more than ever. Losses are tough. Unexpected losses are even tougher. But when we're ready -- and that time is going to be sooner rather than later -- we are going to come together and focus on our way ahead. Because even when I become a private citizen in a few months, I'm not going to stop working on behalf of the things I care about. And I hope you won't stop either. We've come so far together -- and this notion that somehow all the work we've done suddenly gets stripped away is simply not true. We've done so much that, even if the next administration rolls back 20 percent of that, we're still 80 percent ahead. And even that is not going to be as easy as some people think -- especially if folks like you continue to make the case and mobilize. So add your name today if you're still fired up. I know I am: I look forward to working shoulder to shoulder together for many years to come, Diane. Thanks for doing your part. Barack | |
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