I've been working on redistricting for a while now -- so when I say that now is our time to make a difference, I say that with the confidence of someone who has been involved in this movement since day one.
We're at a tipping point. Redistricting is finally a part of the larger conversation in a real way -- ranging from President Obama amplifying our work to an AOTL volunteer opening these very emails and then attending a local hearing where he voiced his concerns about how his legislators were drawing maps. Our movement is making waves.
But this will be an uphill battle. Politicians in power are proving they truly believe they have the right to pick their voters and they're willing to manipulate maps and attack redistricting reform to make it happen. We need your help to build a strong grassroots movement to fight back.
Take North Carolina for example: A panel of judges ruled that the state's General Assembly maps were unconstitutional gerrymanders and had to be redrawn -- a win for accountability and fair maps!
But even though the court decision specifically set high standards for a transparent and principled process, politicians wasted time, then rushed the hearings and limited public participation. And experts have said the resulting maps still discriminate against Democrats. Only now, we got to watch them pick their voters in real-time.
The only way to make sure the maps are fair is to demand it. Now and every day until the maps are finalized in 2021. This means we need to invest in building, training and empowering this grassroots movement. But we need the funding and resources to make programs like Redistricting U a success. Can we count on your support?
What's happening in North Carolina right now will be a blueprint for the next few years -- if we allow these politicians to manipulate maps, legislators in other states will take notice and take advantage. That's why we organized our volunteers in North Carolina to make calls, submit public comments, and attend the hearings -- we made sure they knew how to make their voices heard!
Help us continue to build this movement with the staff, training, tools, and resources we need to empower local volunteers to be leaders for fair maps. We honestly cannot do this without your support. And there's just too much on the line.
-- Kelly
Kelly Ward, President
National Redistricting Action Fund
All On The Line
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
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Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. |

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