Today, there are still 28 states where LGBTQ Americans can get married on Saturday, and be fired the following Monday -- just for being who they are. For transgender Americans, it’s 29 states. In 2019, in the United States of America, that’s unacceptable.
This morning, the Supreme Court heard arguments on three critically important cases that will determine whether LGBTQ citizens can depend on the same civil and human rights protections under the law to which every American is entitled. - R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. E.E.O.C. and Aimee Stephens will decide whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination against transgender Americans.
- Altitude Express, Inc. v. Melissa Zarda and Gerald Lynn Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia will decide whether Title VII prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Look -- we’re all God’s children.
The idea that someone can tell you that you can’t be who you are in your heart is wrong. Plain and simple.
I’m proud to stand with LGBTQ Americans every day.
This is a critical time for LGBTQ rights. The Supreme Court has the opportunity to stand on the right side of history and afford basic workplace protections to LGBTQ Americans. Everyone in America deserves justice and equality under the law.
If you’re with me on this, add your name to our petition to say “I support workplace protections for LGBTQ Americans” » I’m proud of the way the Obama-Biden Administration led on LGBTQ rights in America and around the world.
I’m proud of the fact that my son Beau, as Delaware’s Attorney General, helped pass the first non-discrimination law against transgender Americans in Delaware’s history.
But more importantly, I’m proud of the way that LGBTQ Americans all across this country bravely stood up and shared their stories, changing public opinion and leading the way for marriage equality.
LGBTQ rights are human rights. There is no question here.
So I’ll ask once more before I head back on the trail today. DianeA, if you proudly stand with the LGBTQ community, then please add your name to show your support »
Thank you with all my heart,  Joe Biden |
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