This email from Barack Obama makes a really strong point about All On The Line's grassroots approach. When we succeed in our target states, we not only have a shot at fair maps -- we also have a chance to overcome the obstruction that's preventing progress.
That's why All On The Line needs to build our grassroots ground game in key states now. With a strong grassroots effort, I truly believe fair maps are possible.
Take a moment to read this email from President Obama below. And if you're inspired to invest in our ground game, you can donate to All On The Line here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/nov2019-endofmonth
-- Kelly
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Barack Obama
Date: Mon, Nov 25, 2019
Subject: The fight for fair maps
For years, Virginians were forced to vote in districts that were racially gerrymandered -- diminishing the voices of thousands of African Americans. But the courts ordered those unfair districts to be redrawn ahead of this month's elections, which meant that, for the first time in a decade, the election's outcome wasn't predetermined by politicians who drew the lines. Instead, the results were decided the way they should be -- by the voters on Election Day.
Virginia is a great success story, but there's more work to do -- and our path to fairness in each state will vary greatly. That's why All On The Line has set its sights on ten target states where the battle for fair maps is already underway. Each will require a unique plan and unique resources.
Can I count on you to help All On The Line put its state plans into action and reach its end-of-month goal of $100,000?
We need your help to build the infrastructure we need to win this fight -- because the maps drawn in 2021 depend on the ground game we build now. It's going to take a dedicated grassroots effort and localized approach to carry forward the successes in Virginia to even more states.
We know this state-level approach works. This month, as congressional maps were being redrawn in North Carolina, our supporters there came together to call for fair maps. And in Texas, folks are headed to public hearings across the state to make their voices heard on what a fair map looks like for their community.
When All On The Line succeeds in its target states, we'll not only have a shot at fair maps -- we'll also have a chance to break through the obstruction that's preventing progress on so many issues we care about. From attacks on women's health and reproductive freedom in Georgia, to the lack of action on gun violence in Ohio, to the refusal to expand Medicaid to hundreds of thousands of residents in Florida, we've seen time and time again how progress is stalled or reversed by state legislatures that don't reflect the will of the people because of gerrymandered maps. We have a chance to change this in 2021.
All On The Line's grassroots efforts are crucial to ending gerrymandering and securing a path for progress in the next decade. Investing in this movement at the state level is our best chance at achieving fair maps. That's why you'll be hearing from the All On The Line State Directors in the weeks ahead. These experts on the ground will share what's at stake and how we can win this fight in their state -- and most importantly, how you can make that critical difference.
Thank you for your support,
Barack Obama
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.
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Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. |

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