I'm reaching out with a request, Diane. Will you make an end-of-year donation to All On The Line?
Here's why I'm asking -- when this country voted overwhelmingly for progress in 2008, conservatives answered with a multi-million dollar scheme to manipulate our elections.
Let me be clear, the effort to gerrymander our maps was in direct response to our grassroots movement for change. And in the decade since, they've used the power they gained through gerrymandering to limit voting rights and obstruct progress. We cannot allow map manipulators to further entrench their consolidated power next year in states like Georgia, Texas, and Pennsylvania.
We need to continue investing in our grassroots infrastructure if we want to win the fight for fair maps. Can I count on you to become an All On The Line donor before the end of the year?
With the exception of Georgia, the 2020 election is in the rearview mirror and All On The Line is pivoting to the next phase of this fight. They've been talking to you about how this grassroots movement will be leading the fight to fix one of the problems plaguing our democracy. And that's true.
All On The Line is training and empowering people across the country to advocate for their communities and hold map drawers accountable. In 2020, All On The Line has averaged nearly one training or grassroots event held every 36 hours. Help AOTL prepare for the grassroots phase of this fight by chipping in whatever you can.
Next year's redistricting process will be a snapshot of democracy in action. The difference between fair, representative districts and manipulated lines will come down to whether folks attend virtual local hearings, submit public comments, and publish letters to the editor.
The All On The Line grassroots movement is essential to building a more representative democracy.
Thank you for your support,
Barack Obama
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Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. |

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