Friend -- Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I have a quick question for you: What are you thankful for this year? When Barack and I reflect on what we're thankful for, we think about our family, our friends, and of course, people like you who have been working alongside us for change right from the beginning. Together, we've made some real progress -- and that's because people like you are willing to work for it. One person and one conversation at a time, you're moving this country forward. Barack and I are so thankful for everything you're doing -- and this Thanksgiving, OFA wants to hear from you about what you're thankful for. OFA will be posting some of the submissions to share on, and I can't wait to see what you have to say: Thanks again for everything you're doing -- and from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving. Michelle | |
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These are emails from some of which are from Pres. Obama himself. You now have the inside track on what is being sent to members of the DNC's Organizing for America. Feel free to add your own comments!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Before tomorrow
Friday, November 22, 2013
Think we should raise the minimum wage?
Diane -- I wanted to update you on the fight to raise the federal minimum wage. Here's why: When we see news stories about low-income workers holding canned food drives just so their coworkers can celebrate Thanksgiving, it's incredibly frustrating. We're better than this, and our minimum wage policy should reflect that. That's why Congress is working on a proposal -- backed by President Obama -- to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. Today, working families across America are counting on anyone who agrees to add their name and join this fight: Show your support for raising the minimum wage today. In the United States, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty. That shouldn't be controversial -- yet even now, millions of American workers who work full time and earn a minimum wage aren't able to make ends meet. Too many people are struggling to feed their kids, clothe their families, pay rent and utilities, and simply get to and from work. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 today, which translates to just over $15,000 a year for a full-time position. Increasing our minimum wage could provide much-needed relief to these families -- and a huge boon to the economy. This is important, and in coming weeks Congress will need to hear from their constituents on why they support raising the minimum wage. Add your name, and send a message to Congress -- it's time to raise the minimum wage now: Thanks -- more soon, Nico Nico Probst Director of Special Projects Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Monday, November 18, 2013
This is awesome:
Diane -- Do you know what goes great with a pair of headphones? A chat with President Obama. He's hopping on the phone to talk with top OFA supporters tonight -- which is pretty freaking awesome. There's still time to save your spot on the call -- RSVP now: Thanks, Sara Sara El-Amine National Organizing Director Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Chat tonight?
Diane -- I'm excited about this: Tonight, I'm jumping on the phone with OFA supporters. I want to talk with you, Diane, about where we're going in the fight for change. Will you join me on the call? Talk soon, Barack | |
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Sunday, November 17, 2013
Save your spot
Diane -- Think back on how far we've come as a nation since President Obama was elected. Now's the time to think about how much more you want to get done in the next three years. President Obama is getting on the phone with OFA supporters tomorrow night to talk about it, and you should hear what he has to say. To save your spot on the call, make sure you RSVP right now: Thanks, David ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Truth Team: Let's put this all in perspective
Truth Teamers, when you're talking about health reform, it's good to remind people: This fight has always had one goal: providing all Americans with better health care at more affordable prices. President Obama has said from the start that he will work with anyone who wants to improve the law to achieve that goal. That's why he announced a plan this week to smooth the transition to the Affordable Care Act by allowing insurance companies to continue some health care plans through 2014 to help Americans receiving cancellation notices. But let's get one thing straight: Some people in Washington are doing everything they can to make sure health care reform fails. They're willing to take health care away from millions, and bring us back to the days when consumer protections were inadequate. This is what Speaker John Boehner reportedly said behind closed doors on Thursday: "Remember the strategy for stopping Obamacare we laid out to you back in July. It had two components: Aggressive, coordinated oversight, and targeted legislative strikes aimed at shattering the legislative coalition the President has used to force his law on the nation."That's an outright admission from Speaker Boehner that his goal has nothing to do with improving Americans' health care experience and everything to do with his political agenda to destroy the Affordable Care Act. It's up to us, Truth Team, to make sure that people understand that, and cut through all the noise out there with some much-needed perspective. The White House put out a graphic that puts the two approaches in context -- will you share it right now on Facebook, Twitter, and wherever else people are talking about health care reform? Health care reform is something people have fought for over the course of decades. It's never been easy, but now it's finally the law -- and we're not going back. Remind your friends what we're fighting for -- and what the other side is trying to do. Share this graphic on Facebook: Or tweet it out now: Thanks, Erin Erin Hannigan Health Care Campaign Manager Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Friday, November 15, 2013
Diane, I want to talk with you directly
Diane -- I want to cut through the noise and talk with you directly about where we're headed in the fight for change. That's why I'm getting on the phone with OFA supporters this Monday, November 18th. Will you join me? I have just over three years left as president -- and there's a lot left on my to-do list. That's why I want to talk with you. You're the ones putting in the time and effort to achieve real progress, and fighting to make the agenda Americans voted for last fall a reality. I know we all care about what we can get done together these next few years, so let's talk about how to make it happen. Make sure you join Monday's call: Thanks -- I can't wait to catch up. Barack P.S. -- It's been a while since I've been able to do something like this -- I hope you can join the call. | |
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The EPA is asking for your input
Diane -- This may sound crazy, but it's a fact: Today, there are no emission limits on our nation's single largest source of carbon pollution. About 40 percent of all carbon pollution in America comes from our power plants, but we don't have anything in place on a national level to regulate the amount of carbon they put into the air. That's why the EPA announced a new proposal to set carbon pollution standards for power plants, the same way we regulate other dangerous substances, like arsenic and mercury. It's a common-sense way to start to make a very real dent in reducing carbon pollution. Right now, the EPA is asking for the public's input on these new limits on carbon emissions -- add your name to show your support, and we'll pass it along. Climate change is real -- there's no credible scientific debate anymore. We're seeing its effects more and more every year. That's why we need to do something about it -- that includes taking action to reduce our carbon emissions. President Obama knows how crucial this is. The Climate Action Plan he laid out this summer set guidelines for these proposed EPA rules and laid out a roadmap for further carbon pollution reduction, expanded renewables, and more energy efficiency projects. He's keeping his word on climate change -- and now we need to do our part. Add your name today to support the EPA's proposal to clean up our power plants: Thanks, Jack Jack Shapiro Deputy Climate Campaign Manager Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Thursday, November 7, 2013
ENDA just passed the Senate!
Diane -- It took 17 years to get here, but the Senate just passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). This is a huge step forward for LGBT Americans, and for everyone who wants to see an end to workplace discrimination. But the job's not done -- the bill is facing a steep fight in the House. Let's make sure it doesn't take another 17 years to put this bill on the President's desk. If you think equality is worth fighting for, add your name now to support ENDA as it heads to the House. President Obama weighed in on the need to pass ENDA on Monday. He said it's time to fix the fact that in many states, it's legal to discriminate against someone in the workplace simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. As the President said, "It's offensive. It's wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense." Let's send ENDA to the House with momentum -- add your name today: Thanks, Jon Jon Carson Executive Director Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Go vote!
You are receiving this message as an Obama for America supporter. Quick story, Diane --The Democratic National Committee is solely responsible for the content of this message. Around 6:00 p.m. last Election Day, the President's campaign asked my wife Dorothy and me to stop by the polls at Montrose Elementary School in Henrico County. It was dark out and cold, like it is this morning. A line of voters wrapped around the building. We handed out coffee, hot cocoa, and hand warmers. We encouraged folks to stay in line. And you know what? Not one person left that line. Not older folks, not families with school-aged kids. Voting was just too important -- for their families and their community. Just as much is at stake today as there was last Election Day. Confirm your polling place and please vote before polls close at 7:00 p.m. tonight: The voters I met last year weren't about to let anyone silence them or take away their right to make their voices heard. We need that kind of intensity again this year because we can't afford to go backwards in Virginia. We must keep Virginia a leader in higher education and attract the best jobs in the world. We must expand health coverage to 400,000 Virginians. We must protect voting rights for all Virginians. We must treat LGBT Virginians equally. And we must ensure women have access to the quality health care that they deserve. Those will be my priorities as Virginia's next governor. If that's an agenda you can get behind, I would appreciate your vote today. Confirm your polling place and please vote before polls close at 7:00 p.m. Thanks for everything, Terry McAuliffe P.S. -- Did you already cast your ballot? Let your friends know you voted and ask them to vote, too. | |
Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003 and authorized by Terry McAuliffe, candidate for Governor. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. This email was sent to Click here to unsubscribe from the Obama for America email list. |
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Truth Team: What's really going on with insurance plan changes
Diane -- This one's important: We're hearing a lot of hot air out of Washington these days about some insurance plans that are changing -- for the better -- because of Obamacare. It can be pretty confusing to follow, and some people on the other side aren't making it any easier by being intentionally misleading. Let's be clear: What they're talking about is the fact that if insurance companies decide to downgrade or cancel an insurance plan that doesn't include the minimum consumer protections legally required, they must offer you an alternative plan that does include those protections -- like the guarantee that you won't run up against lifetime caps on coverage, you won't have to pay for preventive care, and you can't be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition. We think President Obama said it best on Wednesday -- share what he said with your friends and family and help clear the confusion: When you boil it all down, the "controversy" here is really about the fact that -- thanks to Obamacare -- Americans are going to get better, more affordable coverage. The people who want you to think that it's some scandal are going to have a tough time explaining it, once everyone knows the facts. Share the truth about this on Facebook: Or tweet it out now: Thanks, Erin Erin Hannigan Health Care Campaign Manager Organizing for Action ---------------- The other side will spend millions to maintain the status quo. We're fighting for change -- chip in $5 or more to support OFA today. | |
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