Saturday, November 2, 2013

Truth Team: What's really going on with insurance plan changes

Truth Team
Diane --

This one's important:

We're hearing a lot of hot air out of Washington these days about some insurance plans that are changing -- for the better -- because of Obamacare. It can be pretty confusing to follow, and some people on the other side aren't making it any easier by being intentionally misleading.

Let's be clear: What they're talking about is the fact that if insurance companies decide to downgrade or cancel an insurance plan that doesn't include the minimum consumer protections legally required, they must offer you an alternative plan that does include those protections -- like the guarantee that you won't run up against lifetime caps on coverage, you won't have to pay for preventive care, and you can't be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition.

We think President Obama said it best on Wednesday -- share what he said with your friends and family and help clear the confusion:

Let your friends know.

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When you boil it all down, the "controversy" here is really about the fact that -- thanks to Obamacare -- Americans are going to get better, more affordable coverage.

The people who want you to think that it's some scandal are going to have a tough time explaining it, once everyone knows the facts.

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Erin Hannigan
Health Care Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

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