Dear Diane -- Folks like you know what I believe: We have no more important priority than confronting and solving the climate crisis. Luckily, we have a President who has taken up that task with both determination and seriousness of purpose, and it's amazing what a difference that can make. In June, President Obama empowered the Environmental Protection Agency to cut carbon pollution, a move which will help reduce dangerous CO2 from power plants by 30 percent in 2030. On top of that, he has established new fuel economy standards that reduce CO2 levels and will save us all money at the pump. With the Recovery Act, he made the single biggest investment in clean energy in the United States, ever. All these steps will have a lasting impact on the planet our children and grandchildren inherit -- and they wouldn't have happened without your support, Diane. If you stand with President Obama, add your name to support Democrats working with him to address climate change. As Bob Dylan sang, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." We're seeing real, important progress in the fight against the climate crisis -- and it's coming not a moment too soon. But you and I both know there are still a lot of deniers out there, Diane. The time for leadership in the face of this threat has not passed. If ever there were a moment to send leaders to Washington who make climate legislation their top priority, this is it. Support Democrats, and tell Congress to address climate change: Thanks, Al Gore | |
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