Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A crisis of leadership

I was by President Obama's side in the White House during times of great crisis, and despite the many daunting challenges we faced, I was always confident in the fact that our nation was in capable hands.
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I was by President Obama's side in the White House during times of great crisis, and despite the many daunting challenges we faced, I was always confident in the fact that our nation was in capable hands. I miss that feeling.

Our current situation makes it clear that we need steady, measured leadership in the Oval Office. I saw what that could look like firsthand when I worked with President Obama to manage crises such as the H1N1 pandemic, the BP Oil Spill, and the Zika and Ebola epidemics. President Obama always led by listening to experts, working with mayors and governors of both parties as well as all state and local elected officials on the front lines, and bringing the world together around common goals. He listened to the needs and advice of a wide range of partners who could lend their expertise or show him impacts on the ground. It's clear that the only way we can have that type of leadership again is by putting a Democrat in the White House and electing Democrats down the ballot.

We're running out of time to build the infrastructure that our nominee and Democrats nationwide will rely on to win in November, so I'm asking you: Will you make a $7 contribution to the DNC today to help elect leaders we can depend on?

President Obama left office having put in place a White House pandemic response unit, an international climate change agreement, and access to health care for millions more Americans. While the Trump administration has tried to dismantle all three, this crisis has reminded us why good government matters, and why it's important for elected officials to do their work with honesty, integrity, and compassion. This year, we have Democratic candidates on ballots all across the country ready to work passionately for their communities, and we need to help elect them to ensure that we're ready to build a better world when this is done.

Our only choice in this critical moment is to do everything we can to build a strong party that's capable of electing Democrats nationwide, from the school board to the White House. We can't do that without you, so I'll ask again:

Will you donate $7 today to the Democratic National Committee so we can get to work for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot? This important work depends on you.

Thank you for your support,


Valerie Jarrett
Former White House Senior Advisor to President Obama

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, www.Democrats.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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