Sunday, May 31, 2020

re: President Obama's call

We sent you a note from President Obama earlier this month. Take a look, then donate to support the Democratic Unity Fund before tonight's deadline.
DemocratsJoin us.

Earlier this month, President Obama reached out to loyal Democrats like you with an important message: We're running out of time to make sure Joe Biden and Democrats down the ballot have the resources they need to win. Midnight marks May's end-of-month FEC fundraising deadline, and we still need 36 more donors from Montross to pitch in.

Our FEC deadline is at midnight tonight.

You haven't donated to the fund yet, but your strong commitment as a Democrat shows me you recognize the importance of uniting our party by supporting Democrats in Montross and nationwide. That's why I'm asking you to step up before midnight:

Become one of the just 36 more donors from Montross we need to donate $7 to the Democratic Unity Fund before tonight's deadline. I hope you'll read Barack Obama's message below, and then contribute to elect Democrats everywhere on November 3.

In unity,


-----Forwarded message-----
Sender: Barack Obama
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Subject: re: my announcement

One year ago this month, I asked this grassroots team to make an investment in our democracy's future by donating to the Democratic Unity Fund.

Now, with just 168 days until the election of our lifetimes, I am asking you to get involved in this race by making your very first contribution to the fund today.

What we urgently need in order to restore America's founding ideals is a strong, unified Democratic Party -- and we don't have any time to waste before making that mission a reality. The Democratic Unity Fund began as a promise to our eventual nominee and Democrats down-ballot that they'd have a well-resourced DNC at their backs in the general election. Today, I am asking you to help me make good on that promise by doing all you can to help elect my friend Joe Biden to the White House and uplifting Democrats in every corner of our nation.

We're now under six months away from November 3. Take it from someone who knows: That is not much time when it comes to running a successful presidential campaign. That's why I'm asking you to make an important commitment today:

Will you make your first-ever $7 contribution to the Democratic Unity Fund today? I know times are tough for many of us right now, but if you're financially able, it'd go a long way in our fight to elect Joe Biden and Democrats in all 50 states.

When I helped launch the Democratic Unity Fund alongside the DNC in May of last year, our political landscape looked dramatically different. We had a historically wide field of presidential primary candidates who had yet to even debate, and we never could have imagined the economic challenges we'd be facing today.

Yet despite that uncertainty, this team came together to make a powerful commitment: No matter who won, we pledged to support the eventual nominee -- not to mention candidates down the ticket -- in their fight to restore Democratic leadership to our government.

So much has changed since the Democratic Unity Fund was first launched. Over 198,935 supporters have contributed directly to the fund, and those investments have already been put to work to build a historically strong Democratic Party. But this simple truth still remains the same: It will take all of us unifying around our common purpose to win back our country this year.

Donate $7 -- or any amount you can -- to the Democratic Unity Fund today. Even a modest contribution will make a big difference in our fight to elect Joe Biden and Democrats across the nation.

I have witnessed both the compassion and the grit of this grassroots team, and folks like you continue to inspire me every day.

Thanks for being by my side,

Barack Obama

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If you're ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, make a contribution today.

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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