Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Russell Simmons, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cory Booker, and you

Organizing for Action
Diane --

Our immigration system is outdated, broken, and backward, and our nation's status as the center of technology and innovation is suffering because of it.

It's time for Congress to act.

Over the next two days, OFA is joining a team of organizations, tech companies, and entrepreneurs in the March for Innovation, a virtual event that we're hoping will get lawmakers' attention.

Join in: Tweet at your senators, post on Facebook, or just call your members of Congress and join the drumbeat of Americans demanding comprehensive immigration reform now.

Elected officials and celebrities -- like New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, hip-hop legend Russell Simmons, and more -- will be passing the baton to one another online. OFA Executive Director Jon Carson will be joining in, too. And they're asking thousands of Americans to jump in and be a part of it.

One tweet or one Facebook post is all it takes to add your voice. And think of what will happen when thousands of Americans do it around one issue, all at the same time?

That's hard to turn a blind eye to.

Join the conversation, seize the moment, and help get immigration reform passed:



Emmy Ruiz
Immigration Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- If you want to find out more about the march -- and watch it happen in real time over the next two days, complete with videos, links to stories, and more -- just click here.

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