Monday, July 13, 2015

Scott Walker is running for president

Diane --

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is running for president.

And that means it's time for us to get up and get ready, too. Here are a few facts about this new Republican candidate to get you started.

Scott Walker:
  • Rolled back workers' rights in his state, and gutted funding for education and health care
  • Doesn't believe the minimum wage "serves a purpose"
  • Saw six of his associates be convicted, including one who embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from a veterans organization
  • Oversaw some of the worst job growth in the Midwest
Diane, you know what President Scott Walker would do to all of the progress we've made so far. We can't afford to let him do to the whole country what he's been working so hard to do to Wisconsin.

Today, we're asking you to become a Factivist and join the group of dedicated supporters who are holding the GOP field accountable:

Thanks, Diane -- and get ready to get in this fight.

2016 DNC Factivists

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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