Saturday, April 16, 2016

News you can share: a new climate record and a historic Tax Day

Organizing for Action

Diane, you're one of the best messengers we've got in this movement. Here's some recommended reading that's easy to share.

Grassroots Group Born Of Obama Campaign Now Helps Push His Causes
NPR // Peter Overby

David Willett, spokesman for the League of Conservation Voters, praised OFA, saying it knows how to turn out a lot of volunteers. "The effective and disciplined way that they're able to organize their membership at the grass-roots level is definitely at the top of the game," he said.

For Same-Sex Married Couples In America, A Historic Tax Day
NPR // Richard Gonzales

This year's tax day marks a historic event for one group of Americans: April 18 will be the first time that every married same-sex couple in the country can file both their federal and state taxes together.

It's Not Just The Supreme Court. Republicans Are Screwing Lots Of Other Courts Too.
Huffington Post // Jennifer Bendery

There are 15 judicial nominees ready for a confirmation vote right now, but only one of those votes has been scheduled. Another 32 are waiting on the Judiciary Committee, which hasn't held a hearing for a nominee since January. Federal courts, meanwhile, are at 79 vacancies and climbing.

Immigration at the Supreme Court: What you need to know
CNN // Ariane de Vogue

The eight justices on Monday will hear from 26 states and the House of Representatives challenging the administration's moves that could affect some 4.3 million undocumented immigrants. Here's what you need to know about the case.

Yes, there really is scientific consensus on climate change
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists // John Cook

Our study finds that multiple studies have found an overwhelming consensus among climate scientists. The level of scientific agreement is overwhelmingly high because the evidence is overwhelmingly strong. The anti-science crowd has deployed the "fake experts" technique -- using non-specialists to undermine what the most relevant experts say -- to cast doubt on consensus. Our hope is that our new study will both improve public perception of consensus and inoculate people against misinformation.

March was Earth's 11th-straight warmest month on record
Mashable // Andrew Freedman

Data released on Thursday shows that March 2016 was the warmest March since at least 1891, making it the planet's 11th consecutive month to set a global temperature milestone. The data, from the Japan Meteorological Agency, as well as a separate analysis using computer model data, means that if April also sets a monthly record, the Earth will have had an astonishing 12 month string of record-shattering months.

EPA chief: Obama has 'changed the dynamic' on climate change
The Hill // Timothy Cama

McCarthy said the nation has reached a key moment in the environmental protection fight, with a "second wave" of activism on par with the 1960s, when the movement first took hold.

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