Saturday, June 11, 2016

News you can share: proof of progress on inequality, the toll of gun violence, and more

Organizing for Action

Diane, you're one of the best messengers we've got in this movement. Here's some recommended reading that's easy to share.

Here's proof President Obama really did reduce inequality
The Washington Post // Max Ehrenfreund

Whatever the sources of inequality, fiscal policy is one factor that can counteract it, as the new data show.

When Bullets Hit Bystanders
New York Times // Sharon LaFraniere and Daniela Porat

Almost once a day last year, on average, a shooting in the United States left at least four people dead or wounded. In May, we wrote about this drumbeat of gunplay. Today we turn to some of the 100-plus innocent bystanders among the 1,792 casualties.

Solar Makes Up Most of New U.S. Power Capacity for First Time
Bloomberg // Chris Martin

The U.S. solar industry had a record first quarter, accounting for the majority of new power generation for the first time. The 1,665 megawatts of solar power that came online in the first three months of the year represented 64 percent of new capacity, and wind provided 33 percent, analysts at GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association said in a statement Thursday.

CBO warns of climate change's budget impact
Politico // Matthew Nussbaum

The Congressional Budget Office is warning lawmakers about the fiscal risks of climate change, putting the studiously non-partisan agency at odds with Republican Party orthodoxy. The report, released as hurricane season begins, warns that hurricane damage will "increase significantly in the coming decades" due to climate change. The agency added that humans are playing a role in fueling rising temperatures and a shifting climate.

Arctic's melting ice creates vicious warming circle
USA Today // Doyle Rice

Arctic sea ice hit a record low in May as scientists discovered the first-ever link between melting ice in Greenland and a phenomenon known to warm the area faster than the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. The occurrence is called "Arctic amplification" and until now, scientists didn't know Greenland was linked to it, according to a study published Thursday in the British journal Nature Communications.

EDITORIAL: The Senate's Confirmation Shutdown
The New York Times // The Editorial Board

As a result of the impasse, there are now 83 vacant federal judgeships nationwide -- 30 of which have such overwhelming case backlogs that the court system has classified them as judicial emergencies. By comparison, there were only about half as many when the Democrats controlled the Senate in 2008.

EDITORIAL: Congressional Republicans are playing games with a public-health emergency
The Washington Post // The Editorial Board

The Republican congressional leaders, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), have vowed to end gridlock on Capitol Hill. But in response to Zika, they have inexcusably dithered. President Obama asked for nearly $1.9 billion in emergency funding in February.

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