Sunday, January 29, 2017

Seriously and literally

We still have an important job to do
Holding Donald Trump, his administration, and the rest of the GOP accountable is one of the most important parts of our work.

Become a Factivist today to get the latest information about what they're up to, then forward these emails to your friends and family to keep them in the loop, too.

Hi there, Diane --

Throughout the campaign, Republicans and Trump supporters tried to reassure us that he should be taken seriously, but not literally. We're now one week into his presidency, and he has followed through on nearly every outlandish, offensive, and un-American idea he peddled on the campaign trail:

This will never be normal -- load image

From his Muslim ban:

There is so much wrong with this -- load image

To an extreme crackdown on immigration:

Democrats are standing up -- load image

He's gone above and beyond even what we thought was possible, launching a war on science:

Ugh -- load image

And on totally unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud:

This is bad-- load image

From day one, the Trump administration has shown a willingness to mislead the American people when the facts are inconvenient to them:

What we're up against-- load image

That's why your job as a Factivist is more important than ever, Diane. Trump and his team are working every day to discredit everyone from the media to the National Park Service -- anyone who tries to hold them accountable. But we're not going to stop. Keep sharing, tweeting, and otherwise getting the word out about what this administration is doing and what we as Democrats can do to stop them.

Thanks for standing with us. Talk soon,

DNC Factivists

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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