The State of Democracy: A Discussion of Taking Action »
RSVP to the virtual discussion here!
Diane --
President Obama says -- now more than ever -- it's important that we stay engaged in our democracy and our political system.
Power-hungry bad actors are purposely making it harder for people to participate in our politics -- they want to call all the shots even if it means leaving hard-working folks out in the cold, without a voice. It's why they manipulate maps and why they suppress votes.
"Do not let them take away your power." -- President Obama |
How can we stay engaged and fight those in power who wish to strip us of our own? I'll be asking that question to a few political experts on September 2 from 8-9pm (EST). I hope you'll join us for this virtual discussion!
Panelists will include David Litt, author of Democracy in One Book Or Less: How It Works, Why It Doesn't, and Why Fixing It Is Easier Than You Think, and a former speechwriter for President Obama, as well as the National Redistricting Foundation's Director of Litigation and Policy, Marina Jenkins.
Can't make it to the virtual discussion? No problem! Here at All On The Line, we're working around the clock to defend our democracy and give people a say in our political system.
We'll have plenty of other events and opportunities to get involved -- from tools to call your lawmakers to ways to reach out to folks just like you in key target states.
As the redistricting process comes closer, we will need all hands on deck to end map manipulation and return our government to the people.
Can we count on you -- to donate whatever makes sense to you -- and support our efforts to defend redistricting and champion fair maps in 2021?
Thanks for being a part of this,
-- Shehn
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Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible. | |
This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. |

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