Monday, August 3, 2020

To: Barack Obama From: You​

Sign Barack Obama's birthday card before we send it out​.
DemocratsJoin us.

Barack Obama's birthday is tomorrow, and we noticed your name is missing from the official birthday card we're sending him! We're hoping to send Barack Obama a card chock-full of the names of his most loyal supporters -- and we know your name belongs on that list.

Countdown to 8/4 at midnight

Before it's too late, wish Barack Obama a happy birthday and sign his card today. You can even leave him a personalized note.

Thank you for celebrating with us,

-- The Democrats

-----Forwarded Message-----
Sender: Tom Perez
Date: Sunday, August 2, 2020
Subject Line: Will you sign President Barack Obama's birthday card?

President Barack Obama's birthday is on August 4, and to thank him for his dedication to our country and our party, the Democratic National Committee is sending him an official birthday card signed by Democrats nationwide.

I wanted to be sure that YOUR name is on it.

As a dedicated supporter, it wouldn't feel right if you weren't included on this list of Democrats who are grateful for Obama's impact on our party and our country.

Happy birthday, President Obama!

Will you join me in wishing President Barack Obama a happy birthday and signing his birthday card today?

President Obama is an example of what real leadership looks like. He is a true visionary who has spent his entire career dedicated to realizing our country's founding promises of equality and justice. Serving in his administration was the privilege of a lifetime, and with his birthday in just two days, I want to make sure that he hears from you.

Don't miss your chance to wish President Obama a happy birthday and leave him a personalized message. Sign his card today.

In unity,


Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee

P.S. In this time of social distancing, I know that President Obama would really appreciate hearing from you on his birthday. I am so thankful for all that he's done for our country, and I have a feeling that you are, too. Please, sign the card today.

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Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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