Friend -- Check out this story that broke yesterday: The New York Times just revealed that Mitt Romney stands to profit from partnership interest in a Bain Capital fund that owns a Chinese video surveillance company. According to human rights advocates, these cameras are used to monitor and intimidate political and religious dissidents. From a man who's repeatedly attacked President Obama's trade policy with China, and who claims his millions of dollars are only invested in companies that "conform with my political positions," this is huge. Don't let him get away with it: Read up on the story, and pass this along. This week's news drives home the stark difference between us and our opponents -- and serves as a good reminder of why we're fighting this thing. Take a look at the top stories of the week, then help get the word out: #1 See how health reform helps One of the biggest challenges the President's taken on was reforming our health care system. For decades, presidents tried to reform the system -- President Obama got it done. This week, we rolled out a new tool: That's your answer for anyone who's ever asked how health care reform will benefit them. You just answer a few questions, then the tool explains what the Affordable Care Act is doing to help you -- everything from free preventive care to protection from insurance company abuses. Try it out, then pass it on: #2 The cost of repealing health care reform for young people Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have repeatedly said that if elected, they'll repeal health care reform on Day One. So we took a look at how that'd affect young people -- whose access to care has been greatly expanded under the new law. More than 2.5 million young Americans now have health insurance thanks to a change that lets them stay on their parents' insurance until the age of 26. If Santorum and Romney had their way, they'd be on their own. And that's not the end of it. Look at what could happen to young people if the Affordable Care Act is repealed, then pass it on: #3 Mitt Romney's deficit plan: Get rid of Planned Parenthood, boost the top's tax cuts On Tuesday, Mitt Romney disclosed a little bit about his plan to reduce the deficit. Here's what he said we can't afford: Planned Parenthood -- "We're going to get rid of that," he said. Never mind that one in five American women has turned to Planned Parenthood for services ranging from cancer screenings to critical preventive and prenatal care. And here's what he says we can afford: further tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, to the tune of $151 billion per year. Romney couldn't be more clear that he's willing to put women's health on the bargaining table whenever and wherever he can -- and we need to make sure women and men know it. The Democratic National Committee put together a great video highlighting his plan. Check it out, then make sure folks know: #4 Five ways Romney is fighting against unions and the middle class While President Obama has credited unions for having "forged the middle class," Mitt Romney has come out strongly against working people in unions -- folks fighting for the middle class. From supporting Ohio's failed law that would've stripped firefighters and teachers of their bargaining rights to vowing to "shut off the funding" for the National Labor Relations Board, which makes sure labor laws are implemented fairly, here are the top five ways Romney is fighting against unions and the middle class. Spread the word: #5 Keeping His Word: Working towards energy independence Last year, President Obama released an all-of-the-above energy plan to cut our dependence on foreign oil and help make the United States a world leader in clean energy. Since then, he's kept his word: Just in the past year, our reliance on foreign oil hit a 16-year low, the President has proposed the strictest fuel economy standards for passenger vehicles in U.S. history, and we've broken ground on four commercial-scale alternative fuel refineries a year ahead of schedule. Share the truth about his energy plan with everyone you know: Thanks again for your help. Until next week, Stephanie P.S. -- One more highlight before I sign off: This week, Vice President Joe Biden officially joined us on the campaign trail. Read his speech from Toledo, Ohio -- it'll get you fired up for the months ahead. |
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