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![]() | Friend -- Today we received some good news: Last month, American businesses added another 233,000 jobs. That means that after inheriting an economy that was shedding more than 750,000 jobs a month when the President took office, we've now had two straight years of job growth. While it's certainly encouraging, we all know there's much more that needs to be done. If you haven't seen it, check out this jobs chart, spread the good news, and encourage friends to stand with the President as he continues to fight for jobs: It's been quite a week. Super Tuesday came and went, and now 23 states have weighed in. With every flip flop, pander, and endorsement from a Tea Party extremist, Mitt Romney is emerging as a severely damaged candidate, should he make it to the general election -- you'll see that reflected in this week's tipsheet. You'll also see a new feature. Based on your feedback, we added an email button, right next to the Facebook and Twitter buttons, to make it even easier to pass along the facts. Take a look at this week's top stories, then share them far and wide: #1 Keeping his Word: Homeowners In this year's State of the Union address, President Obama said homeowners shouldn't have to sit and wait for the market to hit bottom to get relief. In a press conference on Tuesday, he kept his word, announcing clear steps to help homeowners by cutting the Federal Housing Administration's fees on refinancing loans, which could save two to three million Americans about $1,000 a year. He also announced steps specifically aimed at helping homeowners who served in the Armed Forces. Learn more about these changes here, and pass along this promise kept: #2 Five things to know: Mitt Romney and women's health With the celebration of International Women's Day yesterday and with birth control at the top of the news cycle (yep, in 2012), we took a look at Mitt Romney's record on a woman's right to make her own health decisions. Here's five things to know -- from his refusal to stand up against Rush Limbaugh's nasty attacks on Sandra Fluke for fighting for women's health, to his support for the Blunt-Rubio amendment, which would've put women's health choices in the hands of their employers. Check them out, then make sure everyone knows exactly where he stands: #3 Mitt Romney's "best advice" on affording college: "Shop around" Our President has put making college more affordable at the top of his priority list, doubling the funding for Pell Grants to help an additional 3 million students afford college and creating the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which can provide up to $10,000 per student. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, would cut Pell Grants. And those tax credits? He'd let them expire all together. His solution for students still struggling to pay for school: "Shop around." We put together an infographic highlighting his and the President's very different approaches to college affordability. Check it out, and share it with your social networks: #4 Video: Romney was for the individual mandate before he was against it Mitt Romney's trying to rewrite history. On the campaign trail, he rails against the individual mandate for health care in the Affordable Care Act -- even though it was a fundamental component of his own Massachusetts health care law. The individual mandate is a critical provision of health reform: It ensures that everyone who can afford it takes responsibility for their own health care. Still, Romney insists he "opposed the idea of a federal mandate from the beginning." The Democratic National Committee put together a short video fact-checking him on this. Take a look, then pass it on. #5 Romney's wrong on the President and Iran At this week's AIPAC's conference, Mitt Romney made an interesting statement to an eleven-year-old boy, of all people: He said that if President Obama is re-elected, Iran will have a nuclear weapon because the President "failed to communicate [to Iran] that military options are on the table." Perhaps Romney missed the President's AIPAC speech the same day, where he vowed to take no options off the table -- political, diplomatic, economic, or military. While Romney plays politics with this issue, here's what our President said, "This is not a game - there's nothing casual about it. [The candidates] should explain to the American people exactly why they would do that and what the consequences would be. Everything else is just talk." Pass along his response today: With the GOP candidates traveling the South to court next week's primary voters in Alabama and Mississippi, we guarantee some exaggerations, half-truths, and maybe even some flat-out lies. No matter what they say, you can count on us to fight back with the truth. Thanks for spreading the word. -- Stephanie P.S. -- Did you know that Davis Guggenheim, director of Waiting for Superman and An Inconvenient Truth, filmed a documentary on President Obama's first three years in office? Check out the trailer here, then sign up to be the first to see it. | ![]() |
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![]() Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org | ||
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