Friday, August 31, 2012

Get your free ticket to see President Obama in Norfolk

Obama - Biden

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Diane --

I've learned to shrug off what Barack's opponents say about him. We know who he really is: a wonderful father and leader who's in this because he wants to make a difference in people's lives.

But not everyone knows him as you and I do. And because of the nonstop negative ads the other side is running against him, we'll have to work even harder to remind folks who Barack really is.

Tonight's fundraising deadline is one of the most important we'll face together. I hope you'll take the chance to show you've got Barack's back -- chip in $5 or more before midnight.

Campaigns are never easy, and we're lucky to have supporters like you by our side.

The other side is outspending us, and they're stepping up their attacks. But we'll be standing strong, thanks to the support of nearly 3 million people who are helping win this election the right way.

What we do between now and midnight is going to play a big part in making that happen, so please pitch in whatever you can before then:

As always, thank you.


P.S. -- We can't allow our hard work on the ground to get canceled out by unlimited spending on negative TV ads. Before the midnight deadline, please strengthen this campaign with a donation of $5 or more.

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Their night

Diane --

Tonight was their night.

But our focus must be on tomorrow.

The fundraising deadline tomorrow is one of the last we get to build the campaign it takes to win.

Will you donate $5 or more right now?

I'm proud to be on this team.

Let's go.


P.S. -- With 68 days to go, I'm counting on you to help us keep pace in spite of unprecedented spending on the other side. Pitch in before the big deadline tomorrow.

Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Thursday, August 30, 2012

This could swing the election

Diane --

If we win this election, it will be because of what you did in moments like this to help close the spending gap.

Because this is real: Just last week alone, Mitt Romney's campaign and his allies outspent our side by at least three to one in North Carolina, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, all states we need to win.

That could swing the election -- but it doesn't have to.

Tomorrow is our biggest fundraising deadline so far. Will you make a donation of $5 or more today and help this campaign hang in there for the final two months?

Tonight Mitt Romney will deliver a speech that millions of Americans will hear.

He's going to say a lot of things about Barack Obama, and belittle what we stand for.

When he does, remember the important role you play in the political process. Remember the kind of man our president is, and the tough choices he's had to make from that Oval Office.

Voters in some very important states are hearing distortions and lies from people who've invested a lot to see Barack Obama removed from the White House.

Fight back. Donate $5 or more and make sure your voice is heard just as loud:

We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you.


P.S. -- Deciding that the stakes are high enough to do our part isn't a November 6th decision. It's one I'm asking you to make right now, before tomorrow's big fundraising deadline.

Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Respond quickly and powerfully

Diane --

I have one message burned into my memory for everyone who cares about the outcome of this year's presidential election:

Respond quickly and powerfully to attacks from the other side.

We've got to step up and fight back before it's too late.

What makes 2012 different from when I ran for president in 2004 is that the other side doesn't have to wait for an outside group to come along with false attacks.

Consider this: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent about $23 million on smear ads against me in 2004.

This year, the Romney campaign and super PACs have promised to spend more than $1 billion.

Barack Obama has been a tremendous leader who has moved our country forward in more ways than we even probably now realize. He needs another four years to get the job done.

If you tune in to the convention, you'll see that Mitt Romney and his allies have no qualms about misleading voters if it means defeating President Obama.

But their attacks won't work if enough people step up to protect the President's record.

Don't let them get away with it.

The campaign faces a critical fundraising deadline tomorrow night.

Please make a donation of $5 or more today:


John Kerry

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

What Paul Ryan said

Obama - Biden
Diane --

If you've seen any coverage of Paul Ryan's speech in Tampa, you know that the consensus among journalists and independent observers is that it was ... factually challenged.

He lied about Medicare. He lied about the Recovery Act. He lied about the deficit and debt. He even dishonestly attacked Barack Obama for the closing of a GM plant in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin -- a plant that closed in December 2008 under George W. Bush. He also failed to offer one constructive idea about what he would do to move the country forward.

Don't roll your eyes. We can't just groan and shrug and remark to our like-minded friends that this is ridiculous, because this is a significant moment in this campaign.

The fact that this speech, on this huge stage, is this blatantly false represents a huge bet by the Romney campaign -- they've decided that facts, truth and reality will not be a brake on their campaign message. And they just signaled to the extremist billionaires and corporate interests that support them that they should go ahead and spend their hundreds of millions of dollars attacking Barack Obama with whatever lies can work.

The only thing that can beat this back is you:

More soon.


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If the President loses...

Diane --

Judging from the number of times they've said it this week, you would think repealing Obamacare on Day One is the most urgent goal of the Republican Party and number one reason to elect Mitt Romney.

I'd like to know what's noble about making it harder for people to get health care.

President Obama refused to give up on this legislation because he knew it was about real people -- people like his own mother who, in her final days, battled cancer and mounting bills, or my daughter Lauren, whose intractable epilepsy, at just seven months old, nearly bankrupted our family and burdened her with a pre-existing condition that threatened her future coverage.

Today, there are millions of families like ours who won't have to suffer through needless heartache over situations beyond their control.

If the President loses, Republicans are guaranteeing those protections will be gone with him.

You can make sure that doesn't happen. Donate $5 or more before this Friday's critical FEC deadline.

When the Supreme Court affirmed the Affordable Care Act, I was moved to tears. This week, the Republicans are moving a lot of people to act as well -- to make sure they can't take their destructive platform to the White House.

The next time you hear someone at the Republican convention attack Obamacare, remember what they're actually trying to take away:

Thanks for standing with the President.


Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

You won't get many more of these emails...

Obama - Biden
Diane --

Take a deep breath and savor this -- because it's one of the final deadline emails you'll see from me.

And it's definitely the most critical fundraising deadline of President Obama's re-election campaign so far. We have only 10 more weekends for volunteers and organizers to get out there and talk to voters. The sooner we can get them the resources they need, the better.

If you can pitch in $5 or more to support President Obama and the millions of Americans who've got so much on the line in this election, please do it now:

Thank you so much for all you're doing -- less than 70 days to go!


Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- Oh, and if you're fired up by all that noise going on at the Republican National Convention, the best thing you can do is channel that energy here.

Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Pay close attention

Obama - Biden
Diane --

The New York Times called it "mean-spirited," "aggressive," and "intolerant."

They're referring to the Republican Party platform. And surprise, surprise: The Los Angeles Times reported that it was "written at the direction of Romney's campaign."

On national television this week, we'll be hearing a different story, as the Republicans try to convince voters that the Romney-Ryan ticket is on the side of the middle class.

It's on us to make sure the millions of Americans who are just tuning into this election for the first time don't buy it.

Help fight back against the distortions and straight-up lies coming out of Tampa by donating $5 or more right now.

Here's just a snapshot of what Mitt Romney's platform calls for:

    -- Turn Medicare into a voucher program to buy private insurance, forcing seniors to pay more out of pocket for their health care costs.
    -- Outlaw all abortions without exception for rape or incest (including a "salute" to states like Virginia that have passed extreme ultrasound laws).
    -- Ban marriage equality and reject civil unions of all kinds.
    -- Won't protect the mortgage interest deduction for middle-class families if Romney enacts his tax plan, even though it helps more than 30 million middle-class families.
    -- Kill investments in clean energy jobs and reject the wind production tax credit, which would cost up to 37,000 American jobs.

"Intolerant" and "mean-spirited" sounds about right to me.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are in lockstep with this platform, but pay close attention to what they're saying up on that stage this week -- I guarantee you won't hear a whole lot about any of that.

Instead, they're filling their free airtime with false promises and baseless attacks on President Obama. We can't let them get away with it.

Fight back:

Thanks, and buckle up.


Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Paid for by Obama for America

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Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What they won't mention

Obama - Biden
Diane --

Republicans are taking the podium at their convention today, and millions of people will start paying attention to this race for the first time.

The message they'll hear will mirror the distortions Governor Romney has based his entire campaign on -- amplified 10,000 times.

They're going to talk about the economy, but they won't mention that their $5 trillion plan gives big tax breaks to people who don't need them. They won't mention their plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system that could cost seniors up to $6,400 more per year. They'll talk a lot about strengthening the middle class, when their plan is to do the opposite: repeal Obamacare, cut Pell Grant scholarships and Head Start funding, and raise taxes on the average family.

Donate $5 or more today and make sure we have the resources we need to fight back.

There are very real and important differences between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, and we're going to keep pointing them out. But we've been outraised three months in a row, and now we're getting outspent on the air by as much as three to one in some battleground states.

The other side is banking on their TV ads to be louder than any organizer we've got on the phones and on folks' doorsteps.

That's what we're fighting this week.

We need to be ready. Make a donation of $5 or more today:

This week is going to remind us all that we're on the team that fights for everyone, not just those at the top. We're the campaign that's having an honest debate about the issues that matter to American families.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

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