Monday, August 13, 2012

The Paul Ryan edition

Truth Team
Diane --

This weekend, Mitt Romney chose the intellectual leader of the Tea Party as his nominee for vice president. By doing so, Romney catered to the far right and doubled down on the failed top-down economic policies that crashed our economy and hurt the middle class.

It's our job to make sure the voters get the facts about their plans -- and to get President Obama's back as Romney and his new running mate Paul Ryan launch more misleading attacks. Take a look at the items below, and be sure others do too:

#1 Ending Medicare as we know it
Romney and Ryan are committed to a plan that would end Medicare as we know it. They would create a voucher system that would increase seniors' health costs. Ryan even proposed a plan, which Romney endorsed, that would increase costs for seniors by $6,350 a year. To cover for their own plan, they have been distorting the President's record. They have labeled the $700 billion that Obamacare saved from trimming excessive payments to corporate insurance companies as "Medicare cuts." That's false, as Paul Ryan should know -- he includes these savings in his own budget. Check out this video of Florida voters responding to the Romney-Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it to pay for a tax break for millionaires and billionaires, and share it with others:
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#2 How Ryan killed President Obama's deficit reduction plan
The President has been fighting to protect and preserve Medicare as part of an overall plan to reduce the deficit, and pay down our debt in a balanced way that lets us continue to invest in what we need to grow our economy. Last year, he proposed a "grand bargain" that not only would have extended the life of Medicare but would have also resulted in trillions in deficit reduction. It asked both sides to make tough choices and compromise, including asking the wealthy to pay their fair share. A new report in the New York Times shows that Paul Ryan fought to kill the bipartisan deficit-reduction agreement because it "would pave the way for Mr. Obama's easy re-election." That sort of politics may be standard for some Beltway insiders like Paul Ryan, but it's not what voters want in a vice president. Take a look at our blog post, and make sure your friends hear about it:
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#3 "Blatantly false" welfare attacks
This morning, the Romney campaign released an ad that contains outright lies about the President's welfare reform efforts. President Obama has given states more flexibility so that they can increase their work placement rate among welfare recipients by at least 20 percent. Yet, Romney's ad says the President has ended the work requirement -- which the New York Times calls "blatantly false." President Clinton, who reformed welfare, said Romney's claims are "not true." Even Newt Gingrich said there's "no proof" that Romney's ad is accurate. The ad also says that President Obama was against welfare-to-work as an Illinois state senator -- another blatant lie. He worked across the aisle to pass Illinois' welfare-to work law, even winning praise from Republican leaders for being "not your typical party-line politician" and willing to find compromise to get it done. We recorded a video to tell the truth about Romney's attacks, which you should check out and share with others:
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Paul Ryan's extreme plans for America would be a disaster for the middle class -- and the Romney campaign is trying to take the focus off them by lying about the President's record. We can't let Romney and Ryan put their plans into action, and we can't wait to make sure Americans get the facts.

As always, thank you for having the President's back.

Paid for by Obama for America

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