Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Claim your seat at the convention

Obama - Biden
Diane --

President Obama is accepting the nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte on September 6th -- and there's a seat in the audience for you.

Be a part of this moment -- sign up now to go to the convention and watch President Obama deliver his acceptance speech.

Conventions used to be about bringing together a few political insiders for some closed-off sessions that most people found out about in the news. From how it looks now, that's still what the other side's convention -- where Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will accept their party's nomination -- is largely going to be like this year.

We've got different plans for ours.

Just like in 2008, when President Obama gave his acceptance speech in Denver to a crowd that filled a football stadium, this convention is going to be about making sure that the people who are building this campaign -- by volunteering, giving what they can, or helping spread the word -- are right there at the front.

Our doors will be flung open wide to as many people as possible. The energy you'll feel when you're there is going to help carry us through these last couple of months.

A few quick logistics: You'll need credentials to get into the convention; when you sign up, we'll get in touch with more information about how to pick one up. A limited number will be available. You'll need to arrange your own travel to Charlotte, and a place to stay while you're there.

So start thinking about your trip, and let us know if you'll be claiming that spot:


Hope we'll see you in Charlotte,


Mitch Stewart
Battleground States Director
Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

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