Monday, May 18, 2015

This needs to change:

Diane --

Mad Men came to an end last night. (Don't worry -- no spoilers here.)

I'm writing today because it's past time to put the workplace policies from the 1960s behind us, too.

The United States is the only developed nation in the world that does not offer paid leave for new mothers, and 43 million Americans working in the private sector are without any form of paid sick leave.

That should change.

OFA supporters are taking a stand on this -- add your name if you believe that paid leave is a worker's right, not a privilege.

Things like paid sick days, leave for new parents, and affordable child care, aren't women's issues -- these are economic issues, plain and simple.

A woman deserves the right to take some time off to care for a new baby, but many can't afford to take unpaid leave. Mothers -- and fathers, too -- deserve the ability to take a day off when they need to in order to properly care for a sick child, an aging parent, or for themselves.

Earlier this year, I took action to ensure federal employees have access to at least six weeks of paid leave when a new child arrives, and I called on Congress to follow suit. My administration laid out a plan to help states and cities implement policies of their own.

This isn't just the right thing to do -- it's the smart approach for our economy.

Let's move our workplace policies into the 21st century. Make your voice heard with OFA today:


Barack Obama

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