Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joe Biden

Truth Team
Diane --

If you watched Thursday night's debate, I don't need to tell you that Vice President Biden scored a decisive victory.

The Vice President brought facts and conviction to Danville, Kentucky, and Paul Ryan brought canned lines and empty promises. It turns out, facts and details matter -- and it's clear that with their total disregard for both, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan know their plans for this country are indefensible.

In case you know people who missed the debate, share some of the highlights with them:

The difference on taxes
Ryan couldn't explain how the Romney-Ryan tax plan wouldn't hurt the middle class. That's because it's mathematically impossible to pay for their $5 trillion tax plan favoring the wealthiest without raising taxes on middle-class families. Watch the clip of Vice President Biden pointing this out, then watch the Vice President explaining the Obama-Biden tax plan -- and be sure to share with others:
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Joe Biden laid out all the facts about the Obama-Biden plan to strengthen Medicare, and explained how the Romney-Ryan Medicare voucher plan would raise costs for seniors. Take a look, and let others know, too:
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The middle class
After the debate, one reporter called Vice President Biden "a passionate warrior for the middle class." I think this clip shows exactly why. Check it out, and pass it along:
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Ryan couldn't explain their plan for our troops in Afghanistan because they don't have one. The President has a clear plan to end the war in Afghanistan in 2014, while Romney has been all over the map. Listen to the Vice President explain, and pass it along:
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Women's health
When Ryan was asked to ensure women that their right to choose would be protected, he refused to answer because they wouldn't. Vice President Biden, on the other hand, gave a heartfelt explanation of his views on women's health. Take a look, and share with others:
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Vice President Biden has spent a lifetime fighting for the middle class, and he and President Obama will continue doing so in their second term.

Thanks for doing everything you can to make sure that happens.



P.S. -- This morning, we released a new campaign ad narrated by Morgan Freeman that highlights what President Obama has done to move America forward, get folks back to work, and strengthen the middle class. Take a look, and share it with everyone you know.

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