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![]() | Diane -- Last night, President Obama won the debate and laid out the clear choice in this election. Americans saw a strong, steady and decisive president with a vision and plan to move this country forward. And when Mitt Romney tried to mislead voters -- which was pretty often -- the President exposed the real Romney. Romney was shifty when it came to women's issues. He gave an awkward and dishonest answer about his refusal to stand up for legislation that helps women fight back when they don't receive equal pay for equal work. While the President talked about women as breadwinners for American families, Romney talked about them as resumes in a "binder." Romney also didn't tell the truth about his plan to take away women's access to affordable contraception by repealing Obamacare, or his support of an extreme proposal to put employers in charge of whether female employees can get contraception through their insurance plan. Today, his campaign called the issue of birth control "peripheral" for most women. Um, ok. Take a look at this video we put together on Romney's trouble with women's issues, and then share it with others: Women's issues weren't the only area where Romney stumbled, though. Take a look: Wrong on taxes Romney continued to push his mathematically impossible tax math last night, while avoiding getting into any of the specifics in his plan. The President pointed out that Romney would have turned down a "sketchy deal" like the one he's offering the American people when he worked as an investor -- take a look. Wrong on Libya President Obama reiterated his commitment to tracking down those people responsible for the attacks on our consulate and bringing them justice. Mitt Romney tried to score points by saying President Obama didn't identify the attack in Benghazi as an act of terror for two weeks -- a falsehood that both the President and the debate moderator called Romney out on. Wrong on immigration Romney wasn't honest last night about his own promise to veto the DREAM Act or his support for self-deportation and Arizona's extreme anti-immigrant law, but he did call young undocumented Americans "illegals" while the President spoke about their dreams. Get the facts on what Romney's real immigration policies are. If you watched, you know that President Obama won the debate last night -- so don't hesitate to say so. Watch this video, and share it with your friends and family: Thanks, Stephanie P.S. -- Tonight at midnight is the last FEC fundraising deadline of this campaign -- chip in $25 or more, and help us finish strong. | ![]() |
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![]() Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible. This email was sent to: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org. We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact | ||
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