Wednesday, November 12, 2014

BREAKING: Historic climate agreement

Organizing for Action
Diane --

Late last night, the United States and China -- the world's two largest economies -- struck a historic deal to fight climate change.

That's global leadership.

Tell climate change deniers they're running out of excuses -- add your name to stand up for President Obama's plan to fight climate change.

The details of this agreement are important: The United States will double the rate at which we reduce dangerous carbon pollution from fossil fuels. China announced that they will halt the growth of emissions by 2030 -- the first time a date has ever been set -- and commit to get 20 percent of their energy from clean sources.

If we're going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, it's going to take international action -- this agreement is exactly what that looks like.

For a long time, climate change deniers -- and even people who acknowledged the science of climate change -- have been pointing to other big countries as a reason why the United States should do nothing.

Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus, and the increased occurrence of extreme weather that we're already experiencing, they argue: If China's not taking action, why should we?

This climate deal the President just struck with China ends that debate.

OFA supporters have been on the front lines, calling for meaningful action. This is a turning point toward meeting the challenge that the science makes clear head on.

Add your name, and let's rally around powerful action to fight climate change:



Jack Shapiro
National Issues Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

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