Saturday, August 22, 2015

Truth Team Digest: The economy, paid-leave, Iran, and more

Truth Team
Diane --

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Op-Ed: How diplomacy can prevent a nuclear Iran
The Dallas Morning News // Barack Obama

Here's my bottom line: If we are committed to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, the choice we ultimately face is between a diplomatic solution and what would likely become another war in the Middle East in the near future. The idea that we can get a better deal by talking tough or squeezing Iran into submission with more sanctions is simply not realistic.

Iran deal opponents now have their "death panels" lie, and it's a whopper
Vox // Max Fisher

The debate over the Iran nuclear deal may now have its own version of "death panels," a provision that is both a point of overwhelming criticism and largely fictitious.

Good News on U.S. Economy is Getting Lost
The New York Times // Albert R. Hunt (Bloomberg View)

If you believe the political discussion, from left and right, the American economy is in dreadful shape, beset by rampant joblessness and too much debt. Actually, the economy has been steadily, if too slowly, improving.

Obama's paid-leave policies make progress in cities
USA TODAY // Gregory Korte

In his State of the Union Address in January, President Obama said he would go around Congress if necessary and push states to adopt paid-leave laws. Eight months later, only one state -- Oregon -- has passed such a law. But 17 cities have.

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