Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hold Senate leaders accountable

Organizing for Action
We're about to bring it. Join in.
Diane --

Next week, the Senate returns from its seven-week recess -- and there's some important unfinished business to attend to.

At the top of senators' lists should be filling the seat that's still vacant on the Supreme Court. President Obama's nominee, the highly qualified Judge Merrick Garland, who has previously received bipartisan support, has now waited 167 days for a hearing and a vote. That's a record-breaking amount of time: No Supreme Court nominee has ever waited longer than 125 days to be confirmed unless they've withdrawn, and the Senate hasn't even held a hearing for Judge Garland -- much less a vote.

That's unacceptable, and it's up to us to make sure Senate leaders know it -- which is exactly what we're going to do while they're in session.

OFA supporters across the country are gearing up to increase the pressure. Say you'll join them in letting senators know you demand action on the Supreme Court vacancy.

Just recently -- during his seven-week vacation -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a crowd that one of his proudest moments was telling President Obama that he would refuse to fill the empty seat on the highest court, effectively gridlocking our judicial system. McConnell should be ashamed of refusing to do his job, not proud.

And as long as obstructionists in the Senate continue to stand with McConnell, they should be ashamed, too. They're preventing our Supreme Court from handing down decisions that affect millions of people.

Progress on this issue will take everyone speaking up. Join the thousands of OFA supporters pushing for a hearing and a vote for Judge Garland -- say you'll call on senators to take action when the Senate returns from recess next week:




Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

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