Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Add your name to tell Paul Ryan: Expand paid family leave

DemocratsJoin us.
When Representative Paul Ryan agreed to become the next Speaker of the House, he made one thing very clear: That he would prioritize time with his family even as he assumed this new position. And Diane, that got me to thinking about how very important family is -- and how far behind our country is when it comes to supporting choices like that of Paul Ryan.

With our current policies, the United States ranks among the lowest in the world on paid leave -- according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 12 percent of American private-sector workers have access to paid family leave through their employers. As the President noted during his 2015 State of the Union address, "We are the only advanced country on Earth that doesn't guarantee paid sick leave or paid maternity leave to our workers."

And because of that, we put working parents in the position of choosing between staying at home with a sick child and keeping their job. While folks like Paul Ryan are afforded the choice to spend time with their families, the vast majority of Americans are not. This is clearly unacceptable -- and it's time for a change.

As Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan has a valuable opportunity to help make that change happen. If you agree that more Americans deserve the chance to put family first, add your name to tell Paul Ryan to make his first act as Speaker calling a vote to expand paid family leave:


Thank you so much, Diane.

All the best,


Amy K. Dacey
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

Your Official 2015 Record

Name: Diane
Email: awolofa@yorkteaparty.org
Status: Supporting Democrats in 2015 (but it doesn't look like you've chipped in yet)
Suggested action: Donate $3

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