Saturday, October 3, 2015

Truth Team Digest: Gun violence prevention

Truth Team
Diane --

Here's some recommended reading that's easy to share. No fluff, just facts -- that's the Truth Team way.

WATCH: President Obama's Statement
YouTube // The White House

Watch the President's full remarks after the shooting in Oregon.

Congress Still Bans CDC Scientists From Studying Gun Violence
Forbes // Janet D. Stemwedel

In the wake of another mass shooting (among many this year), we are asking again: What causes gun violence? Is there a causal relationship between gun ownership and gun violence? We might know the answers to these questions, or at least have a body of empirical evidence getting us closer to the answers, if government scientists were allowed to study them. But they're not.

Deaths from gun violence vs. deaths from terrorism, in one chart
Vox // Zack Beauchamp

In his impassioned address in the wake of Thursday's horrible shooting at an Oregon community college, President Obama issued a challenge to the media. "Have news organizations tally up the number of Americans who've been killed through terrorist attacks in the last decade and the number of Americans who've been killed by gun violence, and post those side by side on your news reports," he asked.

Obama Condemns 'Routine' of Mass Shootings, Says U.S. Has Become Numb
New York Times // Gardiner Harris & Michael D. Shear

President Obama's rage about gun massacres, building for years, spilled out Thursday night as he acknowledged his own powerlessness to prevent another tragedy and pleaded with voters to force change themselves.

White House calls for tougher gun laws in wake of Oregon shooting
The Hill // Jordan Fabian

Passing tougher laws to help prevent gun violence remains a high priority for President Obama, the White House said Thursday after reports of a mass shooting resulting in multiple casualties.

Shooting in Oregon: So far in 2015, we've had 274 days and 294 mass shootings
Washington Post // Christopher Ingraham

There have been only 274 days this year. The shootings are captured in this calendar, drawn from the Mass ShootingTracker.

BLOG: Demanding action on gun violence
OFA News // Jennifer Warner

Even though Congress has refused to pass common-sense measures to expand background checks, organizers across the country aren't backing down. They refuse to accept these tragedies as normal, and are stepping up and working to prevent gun violence state-by-state.

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